There are thousands, millions, even billions of ways to unhappiness, but only one way to be happy

Sophie Benshitta Maven Tweet There are thousands, millions, even billions of ways to unhappiness, but only one way to be happy Controversial statement, isn’t it? It is reminiscent to Jesus’ saying: only through me… whatever

Day 1-5 of Activation of All Humans on The Planet

Project: Full Activation of All Humans on Planet Earth Phase 1 Target vibrational frequency: 299 Standard vibrational frequency before the activation: 151 From my journal: Sunday morning I called N. in desperation. I felt alone, I felt desperation and hopelessness. It didn’t seem possible to cause a planetary shift even if I prepared a network powerful enough to support millions of people participating in it, at any one time

Your sphere of influence

I have lots of clients that struggle. One of the common characteristics I can find is the fact that they are trying to do something big, but are surrounded by small thinking people. Another one is that they have a small sphere of influence. And the third one is that they don’t know how to get more people to join their sphere of influence. You will never be able to do anything really big, if you are isolated, and the “echo” that you hear about you is from people who think you are small, insignificant or crazy. Many people go to seminars, they hang out with others there, but when they go home, they are back in their own backyard where they are considered just another wannabe. What is the solution? What is you ARE a wannabe, but have the potential to influence thousands? One great tool I found is twitter. And a great tool I found to build a list of followers is at , which is a free tool. If life worked like it is “supposed to”, it would build you a group of followers to the tune of millions, but of course life doesn’t work the way it is supposed to. But still, it is worth a try. All it takes is a minute or two…

Internet Marketing Beginnings

I had an inspiration this morning: I woke up early. I made myself a cup of tea, went back to bed, and read a little. About an hour later I woke up from a dream of writing THIS article. Here it is, just the way it came to me in my dream: