Dry Rain: The water that you drink leaves you dry inside… in fact dried out like a prune

This article I found on yahoo gave me an idea: this is a great way to show you how you manage to be dehydrated in spite of the fact that you drink a lot of liquids. The basis of every liquid is water. And depending on the vibration

Grieving The Loss Of A Child… Whether They Died Or Just Gone to Live Their Own Life. Loss is Loss…

Grieving The Loss Of A Child… Whether They Died Or Just Gone to Live Their Own Life No matter how you slice it, a big change like this, even if it is the best of the child, is a huge trauma for the parent, especially the mother. Most mothers are programmed to care for their young ones, but while they are doing that, they forget to be themselves, forget to rebuild a life of their own, so when the child dies, or leaves, they are left with nothing. I have a student whose children live in other countries, you can’t just offer to drop by, bring some good home-made cooking, or babysit their child while they attend to other things

Reality: collective hunch at best

There is a reality out there… most likely. but what it is? who knows… Our filter or translator between reality and our mind is words. What we can’t put words around, we can’t see. The natives could not see the Santa Maria because they didn’t have a word for sails, or big ship… they had word for ripple in the ocean,