Please don’t be optimistic. Optimism is a delusion

XOkM_700Most of the things that make sense are wrong: optimism, hope, big desires, motivation…

It’s the last day of 2014, and there is an undue optimism in the air. A stranger even said hello to me in the street…

Even more than at the beginning of spring… the calendar is telling you that hopefully 2015 will be different.

You will lose the weight, you will find the job of your dreams, you will get out of debt, you will start that business, you will find the love of your life.

Pie in the sky, if you ask me.

What?! Am I raining on your parade? Yeah, I am.

All your dreams start in the mindset: wrong, wrong, wrong, all your goals are fixing goals, and what you are building on is a solid experience of yourself of being full of

The ground of your being… The dance floor of your life

the-grounds-of-your-being-unfixableThe ground of your being is the dominant way you are… to which you return, like returning home.

Religion, spiritual teachers have been duping you. They say that the ground of your being is “being a spiritual being, having a human experience.” That is horse shit, and largely the reason no one has been able to carve out an enjoyable life with that principle.

Some issues cannot be fixed. One such issue is your identity, the identity you built and have been polishing. The ground of your being. The dance floor of your life.

When I ask you what you are most proud of about yourself, we ge

When human arrogance puts its feet in the door truth escapes

When human arrogance sticks its feet in the door truth escapes

The average truth value of medical and body science is 3%. The 97% combines what we don’t know, and what arrogance says… and is not true.

Today I had luck on my side, and I was taken to a site and to a ‘technology’ that has a higher truth value. It is a whopping 10%. Which means 90% is b.s.

And what about its efficacy? That is its effectiveness, I measured, is 3%.

Or often the foot in the door effect. They will say: everything is energy. Then they’ll jabber about Nicola Tesla… and now you are hooked.

If anyone talks about Tesla in a sales presentation, you can be 100% sure that they are using the food in the door effect… or as you can al

In my first incident, my defining incident, I was stupid.

In my first incident, my defining incident, I was stupid.

That is what was wrong with me. That is why what happened happened to me. Because I was stupid.

And to my utter mortification, this morning I discovered that it just went underground, but it still operates me a lot of the time. Maybe not always, but enough.

So what’s wrong with that? After all being smart is good, isn’t it?

When smart is the goal, all the a

What is ‘Seeing the Big Picture’? And how do you see it?

OK, this is a biiiig topic… and the article is like a dip into the sea… but read it… it’s going to teach you something you need.

I don’t think I have ever truly distinguished what seeing the big picture is and what it isn’t.

I’ve read somewhere that this woman advocated doing what she is doing. She starts the day solving some algebra problems.

I mostly start my day with playing Freecell… while I am drinking very bitter black tea that I don’t like the taste of.

The first few games I lose. But then, without any seeming effort, I start winning some games. Then I lose again…

What happens there?

Sleep is a reset.

(I muscletest every sentence so I don’t say anything untr