If I see you as beautiful… will you too?

happy-babyIf I see you as beautiful… will you see yourself as beautiful?
If I see you as magnificent, great, awesome… will you see yourself like I do?

Muscletest and my experience says: no.

The most beautiful women spend hours in front of the mirror staring at their imperfections… trying to hide them.

There are also beautiful women who can say: so what. They are in search of some other imperfection.

We know ourselves intimately, and rare is the person who can leave it alone… who can refrain bemoaning their faults, and stop trying to fix themselves while keeping up appearances.

The question came up because of my last article. I bet a lot of people thought I should have told the woman in the article how wond

What else? Where else? A spiritual practice

where-elseOne of my ‘favorite’ practices is this:

I find out that I misunderstood something. It cost me to miss something. It cost me to misunderstand. And it always does.

So instead of getting upset. Or angry. Or beat myself up. I do something constructive.

I expand my cone of vision.

And I ask the question: I wonder what else I misunderstand? I wonder what else I misread? Where else I am sure I understand and I don’t.

Or I make a mistake… Where else do I make a mistake like this? Or this same mistake…

Because how you do anything is how you do everything!

I sent out an email last night asking for people who haven’t raised their hand to work with me yet, to raise their hands if they are potentials to work with

Complaining And Other Politically Incorrect Phenomena

the hidden gold in complaining The Gifts Of Complaining And Other Weird and Politically Incorrect Phenomena That Produces Dramatic Results

This article is about a counter-intuitive transformational technology you probably won’t find anywhere else… It is worth its weight in gold and it can make the biggest difference in your life, in your level of satisfaction, happiness and well-being.

I am taking a seminar I took some 25 years ago. I am taking it again, in spite of the inconvenience of having to hitch a ride to a town 60 miles away, having to be among people with really low vibration.

I am taking it again because it made such a huge impact on my life 25 years ago. In fact I would not be here doing this work if it ha

Authenticity is a matter of integrity on the highest level

lying-is-comfortableTrying to act like a Buddha won’t make you a Buddha.

I just finished a webinar… Before the webinar one of my students wrote an email to me wondering why I don’t lie to them before and during a webinar. Why I don’t say that it is going to be easy. That it is going to be piece of cake.

But it had taken me quite a bit of time and effort to learn that trying to act like a Buddha won’t make me a Buddha.

The vulnerability that honesty requires isn’t something everybody can handle. So lying allows people to be comfortable.

One of my students told me. He is a really smart guy, isn’t he?

And I bet you can see that the next step he would take after making this really sma

How true is your truth? Have theory induced blindness?

How true is your truth? Do you or your teachers have theory induced blindness? the world is still flat as far as human behavior is concerned…

This article is about the inner workings of a human… that if you get it wrong, the price you pay for the error is your life.

Is a human like a faucet assembly? When it drips you have to replace the whole thing?

I energize my water in a 5 gallon (20 liter) plastic containers with a spigot.

The spigot is replaceable, but I am not strong enough to unscrew it. I have the replacement spigot… I bought it a year ago, but is still sitting on my kitchen counter. I still need to be mindful that the old spigot, which is just another word for faucet… still drips.

If adaptability is the most fundamental predictor…

…then your most important concern should be: how can I can more adaptable … right?

In you our relationship to life so you can have more chance for a happy life.

Darwin said that the species that is the most adaptable to changes will survive.

One can also say that it is true not just for a species but also for individuals.

Adaptable doesn’t mean meek, doesn’t mean able to subsist in suboptimal circumstances, it actually means being able to thrive no matter what’s going on. Adapt and initiate.

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How the Canadian Government controls its people

For years I have been pondering what the Canadian government does that makes its constituency so miserable and feel so superior at the same time.

Today a little corner of the mystery lifted.

A client of mine, “Finish What You Start” soul correction, has written me a long message describing his feelings and his behavior of being taken off task, off focus by idle curiosity, sensation and excitement seeking, while he would like to be focused, calm, well… and among others: sleep well.

I recommended that he takes Lithium Orotate, an inexpensive mineral supplement, that has worked miracles with my clients who had a diffic

Who and how Perpetuate The Culture Of Abuse?

the culture of abuse Who Perpetuates The Culture Of Abuse, The Culture Of Measuring Man And Woman’s Rights Differently? The Men Or The Women Of A Culture?

This is a controversial article. it will offend people. Rattle their. traditions. But unless someone speaks, nothing will change. I am taking on the risk to be that someone… When I see something, I can’t just step over it… OK, kill me now… lol

WTF are you talking about Sophie: of course it is the men! If women ran the world there would be peace… There would be love. There would be trust…

Wrong… please think again. Look again

Who are the people we learn everything from. Ever

The less capacities you have, the less will open up

Shortage-of-womenThe less spiritual capacities you have now, the less likely that new ones are willing to open up.

Especially if the new capacities would alter your being and behavior dramatically.

If you are a woman, you probably have fewer capacities than men, because in most cultures women are an appendage to a man. even the Bible relegate a woman to companion status. not a full person.

According to Kabbalah women are the vessel, and men are the channel for the Light.

The vessel is all about receiving, and the channel is all about giving.

Whether it is an observation of Kabbalah, or it is programmed, I don’t know, but it sure looks like the desire for receiving for the self alone is stronger in women:

Why is humanity going backwards? What is to blame?

If LIFE wants more life, then Life and our DNA has a built in capacity, in the DNA, to see the big picture, both for ourselves, personally, for our families or offspring, and for the human race.

The direction this DNA is pointing is a society much like the Declaration of Independence declared: equal rights. Not equal results, but equal rights.

You have the right to procreate, but you need the agreement of your procreation partner… and that agreement, when it is guided by the DNA to see the different outcomes on many different levels, will either come or will n