The second and third move of the machine

The second move of the machine is to have a persona, or personality… the one everyone knows.
Independent, strong willed, smart, knowledgeable, pretty, nice, creative… all lies.

You paint those over everything to hide that you are not that: you are a real person suffering from no freedom to be yourself, to be any way you want to be: you have to be nice, you have to be smart, you have to be independent… etc.

This second move was borne out of incidents where you fell short of being a match to life. From incidents where you saved the day.

Robin Williams’ machine, the clown machine, ultimately killed him. He was tongue tied, lonely, sad, and an introvert underneath the loud, funny, hyper person he invented to survive as a child.

But your survival tools become a prison, and cause untold sufferings.One of my students decided that the way to make it through life is to be distant, self-protecting, and to keep everyone at arm’s length.As an adult, a mother and grandmother, she

Hear the soul scrambling… crazy world…

As I am running with this new insight that the culprit of misery and self-destructive behavior is the soul’s doing I am starting to see some aspects I didn’t see yesterday.

I said it yesterday, that the words that urge you on resulting in some damage… often resulting big damage is the shoulds.

It feels like someone inside is guiding you… guiding your actions. So if you don’t have the distinction that all shoulds come from the soul, its dark side, you can spend your whole life being moved by these shoulds…

Read the original article: Hear the soul scrambling… crazy world…

Turning Points: Queen to Play… movie scripts

Turning Points: Queen to Play
Lots of movies are based on a script of turning points. Of course: a dramatic turning point is a really great story.

But few of the turning points are of any use for the viewer because you cannot see, cannot recognize the dynamic of the turning point. No distinction…

Read the original article: Turning Points: Queen to Play… movie scripts

The Whole Idea That The Mind Is Logical Is New To Me

Every self-improvement modality that I have ever tried considered the mind illogical.

The whole phenomenon of Global Negativity broadcasted in the form of feelings and direct knowing created for me a new area of inquiry.

If you haven’t read my last few articles, please do: everything will make much more sense, but I’ll try and make this article whole and at the same time not repetitive.

OK, here is the scoop: you are sent a feeling. The feeling is negative. Given your past history, your previous decisions and interpretations your mind has made, you’ll interpret that negative feeling as meaning something about you, and will react with an appropriate action or inaction, an attitude, etc.

M. felt sad. As her usual reaction, she lied down.
J. feels irritated, D. feels like a loser, N. feels defeated… each person reacts in predictable ways.

If they have the presence of mind, they muscle test if the feeling is theirs. If they do the muscle test deliberately, while momentari

Part 3: Create a turning point by commitment

Turning Points Part 3: Control your attention
You can adapt declarations that you find… and you see that living consistent with that declaration would be consistent with living according to the Original Design.

What aspect of the Original Design? The aspect that says: you are made of the same thinking substance as Source itself is made of. You have the same kind of will Source has.

Read the original article: Part 3: Create a turning point by commitment

Causing human evolution… A manifesto of sorts

As I got further and further writing this article, I realized that what I am writing is some sort of manifesto. What we are doing here, what we aim to accomplish.

All the illustrations of manifestos I didn’t examine. They can be good, bad, or neutral. They are just illustrations. Don’t get your panties in a bunch…

OK, here is the article:
Whatever is preventing you from following instructions is your racket
Your soul correction, in effect, is a racket.

Read the original article: Causing human evolution… A manifesto of sorts

Turning Points Part 2: commit to living life at life’s terms

Turning Points Part 2
In the movie, The Piano, there seem to be several turning points. The main character (Helen Hunt) is married off to New Zealand. There she falls in love with a laborer, employee of her husband. Seeming turning points.
Why are these not real turning points?
We will only be dealing with created, conscious, turning points, not when life changes or we change, but it’s not conscious. These are moments when we are unusually strongly connected to Life, and thus can cause our lives to turn instead of continuing down the same unproductive path.

Read the original article: Turning Points Part 2: commit to living life at life’s terms

How can I help you grow? Raise your vibration?

My business is to teach you and coach you to do what it takes to raise your vibration.

It is very difficult to explain to anyone how to raise their vibration… because your current vibration prevents you from hearing what I say. And yet, my job is to teach you how to raise your vibration.

A few weeks ago I asked all my subscribers to answer a question: “what do you want in your life?”

Read the original article: How can I help you grow? Raise your vibration?

Update On The Energized Water And The Attacks… Dark Side, Global Negativity, Tr….

Good news.

Ever since I uttered the magic words to the Creator: “Remove Traces”, my energized water in big bottles has been staying energized. It’s wonderful news. Now I don’t have to throw away hard tea, coffee, glass of water.

As I said in a previous article, the Tr. Energy that I asked Source to create a simile of, and allow me to use made me a target of several energy broadcasts from Tr.? I don’t know. But it marked me and the people I have used the energy on as target for frequent energy transmissions. How? I don’t understand, so don’t ask me to explain it to you. I only know it’s real, because it stopped.

The same energy that is infused in Tr. Water conflicts with my Energizer® and renders the water not just bad tasting, but