Abundance: where do you look to decide if you have it? A revolutionary thought.

Most people look in their mind.

The mind is an organ that is unsuited to answer a question like this.

One of the major moves of the mind is comparison. After all it’s a computer. Is A bigger than B? The mind is perfectly capable of comparing those. What it never does, and therefore YOU mind-person never do, is ask the question: is that a relevant measure? Will the comparison of A and B show me a relevant picture?

If the mind or you asked that question, EVER!, you’d find that most of the questions that the mind asks are irrelevant AND are suggested by the DARK SIDE.

What am I calling Dark Side here? People? Entities? Government?

I am calling Dark Side the phenomenon that was started by a few people. The purpose of the phenomenon is to take you out of the present where you can be in touch with your origin, your magnificence, your creator nature, the Earth, nature, your Self.

Take you out for what? For their own monetary and political aspirations.

I am reading a book and I am fasci

Returning to the fork in the road where we took a wrong turn

If you find yourself on the wrong road… trace your way back to where you went astray… and choose a different road.
Why? Because trying to go across to where you really wanted to go, without going back,  is fraught with death traps.

Humanity, some seven thousand years ago, took a wrong turn. In just a few words: they started to replace reality with word pictures in the mind. Concepts.

Read the original article: Returning to the fork in the road where we took a wrong turn

I don’t want to wrestle you… I prefer to let you go…

The idea that I should drag people to heaven, people who kick and scream ‘no’ does not appeal to me.

So I do best with people who can and want to do the work.

Just so you know, it takes an inordinate amount of work to turn oneself from a homo sapiens, living in the culture of homo sapiens into a human being.

Read the original article: I don’t want to wrestle you… I prefer to let you go…

For You Everything Is The Same As Everything Else, Except That Not Always. What is a paradigm?

For You Everything Is The Same As Everything Else, Except That Not Always

The statement in the title used to be the koan trainers used to scream, whisper, yell, raucously laugh saying… in the Forum, which eventually became the Landmark Forum.

Of course it didn’t make any sense, because it doesn’t, no, not really. The moment it makes sense it is a lie. This is the case with every insight: the moment the mind gets hold of it, it turns it into a rule, incorporates into its fix-it paradigm, and there goes the magic of it.

With that said, let me share something that shook me to the core today (I get shaken by insights, that’s how MY machine works… lol)

Whether you know it or not, I have been offering, free, three weekly sessions of a training called “Drill calls.”

Originally these were the “let me check your connection to Source” calls, but I found out that connecting to Source has almost no value unless it comes from a healthy place.

There was no person on those cal

Have Effortless Abundance

Sounds like an oxymoron, right?

After all unless you inherited your fortune or still live in the 4-star service environment of the womb… there is no such a thing… at least most of us don’t know about it.

I surely didn’t set out with that goal: creating effortless abundance.

Neither effortless nor abundance is part of my upbringing.

In fact I grew up to work hard (effort) and do not waste.

We were poor for a while, and my father never forgot that. But somehow, I became a hoarder.

I got beaten for it, but it didn’t stop me from doing it: hoarded the newspaper, the TV magazine, my mother’s manicure set… whatever I used, I wanted to own it, have instant unlimited access to it.

I lived in lack. It wasn’t real, but it was as real as if I were starving: it was my reality.

I wanted everything. I wanted to taste everything too… so I tasted and purged.

I was very protective of my time too: I would go to sleep around the time my parents left work, sleep through

How you can go from being a rough diamond to finely cut gem

My soul correction (Forget Thyself) is hasty. Jumping in, and making mistakes, getting in a mess, scrambling to get out.

Nowadays that we are hunting for the should shouldn’t spouting little voice, I am forced to realize that for me it is not words… it is a push. Or is it a pull?

I am also seeing that many of may I hate that come from that push

So let’s hunt for some hates… and let’s see if this is personal to me, or across the field. Please, I will need your feedback.

There are a few things I can’t tolerate, would not tolerate.

Read the original article: How you can go from being a rough diamond to finely cut gem

What If You Make A Mistake And Now Your Mind Knows That You Are A Screw-Up, A Knucklehead, A Failure, Or Dumb? How Do You Clear Your Rap-Sheet With Your Mind?

I am fully in this whole question: how do you enroll your mind that you can? That you are capable. That you can deal with it. That you can win at it?

And I just had an insight.

Everything happens for a purpose, if your life has a purpose. If it doesn’t, then your life is at random, and nothing has a purpose.

Anyway, I found myself super dumb, super mistake prone, super unintelligent today.

Unusual. So I started to look. I was doing the same things that I was really good at yesterday, and today: mistake after mistake, hastiness, guessing… not like the new me at all.

I started to look and listen. And my efforts brought result: I started to hear that I am a knucklehead.

Wow, what happened? “ma pitom” as I would ask it in Hebrew? It means, word by word, what? suddenly! lol

And I was taken to this morning’s screw-up.

Read the original article: What If You Make A Mistake And Now Your

He got some last night… yes. But how would you know it?

I have been wondering if I could tell if a person can be trained or not. What would I see that would tell me yes or no?

I watched a little Grantchester on Amazon Prime yesterday. In one of those episodes the vicar gets laid. His pal almost instantly knows.

A few years ago I saw a woman come out of the hotel elevator in Las Vegas. To me she looked like she had always looked, but a man in our group instantly knew she just got laid.

I verified it with her… But how did he know?

Read the original article: He got some last night… yes. But how would you know it?

Have the ‘why bother?’ attitude? A Big C symptom

I overslept this morning. Whenever you oversleep, or allow comfort to set in, something sinister happens in the invisible.

Your brain takes your behavior as an instruction that you want to practice for death.

You could call it hibernation, but it is only hibernation if that is what you meant to do. Otherwise it is the state where there is no future.

The first signs are hopelessness. There is no hope. There is no future. Just blah.

Read the original article: Have the ‘why bother?’ attitude? A Big C symptom