Do your own thinking… but how?

stampede_african_cape_buffalo_herdYou need to do your own thinking. Why? [note]

Don’t be a buffalo.

When buffalo were still common in North America, Native American hunters learned a trick to hunt the herd animals. Buffalo don’t look up when moving as a group. In fact, if a few buffalo in a herd were startled into running, the entire herd would charge, even if most of the buffalo had no idea what they were running from.

The Native American hunters learned that if they encouraged a few buffalo to start running towards a cliff, the entire herd would run off the edge. The buffalo followed the group thinking, and couldn’t stop themselves–even when it meant their own deaths.


Is ego physical? Energetic? Spiritual? Woowoo? WTF is ego?

egoI spent the last two hours working on the page that explains what the starting point measurement numbers mean about you.

And, almost predictably, today’s Monday Morning Memo by Roy H. Williams addresses some of those. No coincidences in the world… if you have a wide enough cone of vision you’ll know that.

Yesterday, Sunday I spent 90 minutes on my Sunday call with Mike, a dude who is about as different from me as a person can get, politically, spiritually, intellectually, in every way.

It got really bad during the Trump administration… and hadn’t I managed to change myself, i

Updated: Reclaim your life. When your desire is low your Life Force is Low

reclaim your selfSummary: you don’t know who you are, you don’t have access your real desires because of a sinister scheme perpetuated… But it is time you reclaim your Self, it is time to reclaim you Life.

When you ask people to locate themselves, point at themselves, most point at their chest. Why? Because they feel themselves there: most feelings you feel, most emotions you feel are in the chest. Your breathing is in the chest. So it makes sense.

Others hesitate between their head and their chest.

As an empath I can see the discrepancy between what they show, where they point, and where the energy goes.

It always goes to the head, mostly into the forehead, but often to the space

How to pick an activator, aka a spiritual practice for the fastest raising of your vibration?


How to pick an activator, aka a spiritual practice for the fastest raising of your vibration?

This is an important question, that I have not answered publicly yet, so here you are…

What raises your vibration is the spiritual practice that you are being nudged to do by the activator, and not the activator itself.

Each activator works on a certain level of your consciousness.

I will use, again, the analogy of a highrise building to demonstrate how this works:

Most people, when they come to me, live, fully, in the basement of their being. Nowadays I have received requests from people that are, at least partially, on the ground floor.

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Seeing: a Metaskill that will raise your vibration

new eyes to see...I am reading the  book Metaskills.

I am reading it for you and for me.

This book has given me a big insight… and ultimately a breakthrough, though we shall see… like with everything, on the long run.

OK, let me start at the beginning.

Most books are either easy or difficult to read. Why? I just found out.

This book, the Metaskills was alternating between easy to read and difficult to read.

At some point it felt like thick mud I needed to wade through.

Why? I had no idea how what he was talking about was connecting to what the book was supposedly about.

I am nearly certain that this happens to you too. The thought is “What does this have to

Transformational methods to get you unstuck

Or how to set the context to alter the story and therefore alter your actions?

Whether you know it or not, your relationship to life is stiff, inflexible, and therefore ineffective.

You look at things, always, from the same exact perspective, and therefore you see, always, the same old, same old life: good or bad, the same.

transformationThe Sideways Method

I have taught you previously a move, that can transform your reality, the sideways view.

Transformation simply means that from one moment to the other, what you see changes.

You don’t see… and you don’t even see that you don’t see

you don't seeYou don’t see… and you don’t even suspect there is anything to see

Almost all the things you want are there, already, but you can’t see… They are not hidden, they are in plain view, but you look straight at them, and to you they are invisible.

What the F… right?

And guess what, it is not just you, it is nearly everyone.

You don’t see yourself, you don’t see others, and you don’t see what is in front of your very eyes.

How do I know?

I used to be like you… and in some areas of life I am still like you.

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Life is getting faster. Are you getting faster with it? Or hastier?


Mistakes… what causes them?

Today is a day when I am mistake-prone. The source of 99% of all my mistakes have been caused by a phenomenon that I see in everyone I speak with… so I am not alone.

The biggest difference between different people is only the frequency with which the incidents occur, no one is immune to this mistake.

I noticed that when I have worry or greed (eager is a version of greed) present, they make my vibration incoherent. I make this type of mistakes far more often. Even my dyslexia is tripling in symptoms when I am incoherent.

Please pay attention because the biggest cause of your errors can be countered successfully with just a little bit of mindfulness, just a little bit of awareness.<

How to insult a whole subcontinent? Say you don’t like…

insult a whole subcontinentHow to insult a whole subcontinent? Say you don’t like their food…

Back in 1970, my mother hosted a symposium on some urban planning issue… and a few American professors attended. At a dinner my mother asked me to attend, I spoke to those professors, and they liked me… This was a year before I graduated from architecture school, I was offered a scholarship to Princeton University to get another degree, in urban planning. I had no idea what urban planning was really… but regardless I said… No, thank you.

I said, Naaaay, I am not interested. The professors didn’t even blink.

I didn’t want to come to the USA, where, according to the movies, when men go home, before they say hello, before they do anything else, they go and make a drink for themselves

It is darkest before the dawn… Hopefully – UPDATED

feb_26_8760_dawnI have been attacked by what we could call “The Dark Side” for 10 days now. This time “They” are going for the kill.

What I mean by that is this: until this time they were attacking my pelvis, my spine, my intestines, my hip, but this time they managed to zero in on my heart.

It started with a quiver. With a rhythmic arrhythmia. A wobbling, A quiver… I can’t find a better word. Quiver, in my heart… eerie.

I knew it was an attack.

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