The similarity between organized religion and medicine… is there any? or Is it the mind or is it the Ego that is holding you back, that is not allowing you to change?

During a recent coaching session, the student was giving the mind [note]


When I talk about the mind, I talk about an aspect of a human, the brain function of gathering, storing, and retrieving information. It is a simple and stupid computer thinking itself you.

It is stupid, because it has NO FACULTIES to decide if what is being fed to it is true or not, it can only COMPARE what is coming in to what it already stores.

It sets up filters to your perception, hearing, seeing, sensing, to filter out everything it considers not relevant… but it takes its clue for relevancy in what it already stores.

If you decided as a child that you are useless and dumb, it will not allow you to

Your complaints: What is the source of your misery?

paradise lost your complaintsI have been pondering a student’s email all morning.

Today I was observing as the machine isn’t interested in going through a process to win: it prefers winging it… Go directly to the top, or zig-zag… with no rhyme and reason.

And then… suddenly, uninvited, a series of connected memories surfaced.

The the captivating story of a 13 year old killing his abusive father, becoming a cross-dresser… pondering if homosexuality is genetic, or imprinted (brain plasticity). I think about the Royals’ sexual behavior. I think about the beautiful enchantress becoming pockmarked from smallpox… to yet another movie’s heroine, face marred with smallpox… rejected by many, and accepted by the

Am I a freak of nature or a fraud… You decide…

21I just watched a documentary on youtube. It is in the footnotes of this article… [note][/note]

It’s about a savant who accidentally has social skills and maybe all around intelligence. Most savants are autistic with no social skills, and no real ability to give scientists insight into their brain through the spoken word. Daniel, the math/memory savant therefore is unique.

I watched it for one reason: I am called an empath, but I am not an “ordinary” empath. The ability to feel another person, accurately, makes me a savant, some freak of nature.


The “Empath” Gravy Train

Can-Empathy-Be-Learned-One-To-Consider-For-Staff-TrainingFirst off: what is an empath, what is empathy?

Empathy is innate to humans… it gets killed, mostly, in childhood… but it is still there, dormant. Empathy, like caring, seems to be a threat to most humans, it seems that to care, or feel another’s pain robs you of your power to take care of yourself first. It is a DS suggestion, it’s not true. Even feeling caring or empathy, the choice of action is yours…

An empath is someone who can direct their attention and feel someone’s feeling, physical or emotional, accurately, at wil

Can you remove the delusions from your view? Get smarter?

069-miscommunicationEvery day thousands of people search for methods to improve their brains, so that they can make more money, do a better job.

They find audios, exercises, videos, Geniuxole System bs., Christie Marie Sheldon blockage removal bs., Pam Ragland’s thought shifting bs., but they are not getting any solution to the fundamental issue why their judgment is off, why what they read doesn’t make a difference, why they make so many mistakes. [note]One of the proofs for the ineffectiveness of the programs I mentioned here is the misery of the people who deliver it: it doesn’t work on them, doesn’t work for them, they lose money, declare bankruptcy while teaching you how to make money: ridiculous, isn’t it?[/note]


You are delusional, or maybe just a liar? Updated

liar3I observe people, I observe you. I observe your behavior, I observe your emotional state. Here is what I see with most of you:

You don’t trust anyone. You don’t trust me.

You also think that you don’t need a teacher, you have been so disappointed.

You are going to try it on your own.

You read my articles… sorry, precisely said: you misread my articles. Your actions therefore will be misdirected.


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Giving permission to yourself to feel what you REALLY feel is strong medicine

fixit2We live in a “fix-it” culture. Doctors, chiropractors, coaches, husbands, parents (especially mothers) are all about fixing what’s wrong with you. No wonder that you relate to everything that is going on with you as something to fix.

What is part of the “fix-it” culture, and is hidden behind it, but gives it the context, is that what is going on is INTOLERABLE, and MUST BE FIXED.

It feels like an imperative… like a straightjacket.

What is the problem with fixing stuff?

11915245-largeLet’s look

Want to be happy? here are the steps

Happiness is a function of accepting what is. Life is like this weird rose… doesn’t look the way it should… orderly, smooth, safe, winning, beautiful, etc… Hard to accept, hard to even tolerate… Right?

What is accepting what is?

Accepting is saying yes to. You could also say: when you are accepting something, you give it permission to be exactly the way it is, and not be what it isn’t.

There is no “it should be different”, and there is no “it should not be” or “should not be the way it is.”

The first reality elements that you want to give permission to be are

  1. Give yourself a blanket permission to be the way you are, the way you look, the weight you are, the level of smart you are, the le

Don’t believe your press. good, bad, it will get you stuck

you are god's gift says your press... don't believe itDon’t believe your press… It will get you stuck, or even destroy you.

In my observation most people who go bankrupt, or lose their job, or get demoted, are surprised… they believed their high, the press, will last forever.

Follows my observations of people believing their press.

Please note: I am not judging, I am observing and assessing… Judgment is not what I do…

Unfortunately only something that is in movement that can be observed and seen for what it is, what moves it…

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