You are machine… but not a stupid machine

Transformation is not a walk in the park… Because your machine, as a rule, prevents you from accurately seeing reality

Why? Because the invisible machine causes distortions in your perception of reality. Your machine shapes your interpretations, your meanings, and with your reaction to those, it shapes what other people will do…

This is where we are in the Playground

The linchpin, the pin that holds it all together, is revealed.

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The invisible phenomenon of the unintegrated self…

This is a philosophical article, but at some point it is practical: it talks to your concerns, so it is worth your reading.

Fully understanding the philosophical aspects is not a requirement, although it  did me good to write those down.

OK, here is the body of this article: I have come to new insights this morning: the phenomenon of the unintegrated self…

James Allen said in the beginning of the 20th Century:

“Suffering is always the effect of wrong thoughts in some direction. It is an indication that the individual is out of harmony with himself, with the law of his being. The circumstances which a man encounters with suffering are the result of his own mental inharmony. Man has

Overwhelm Paralysis, or No matter what I do…

I have been sitting here mired in sadness, despair… the mind feverishly looking for reasons to feel this way.

Evil in the world. Low vibration. No love… but this is true always, so what is special about now that is now miring me… enveloping me, making my stomach tighten, and my heart hurt.

It’s 10 o’clock, and the mailman comes at 11 am… I have a package to send out. A student of mine generously decided to buy something from me, instead of the open market. I am grateful, but I am scared.

Am I going to be able to ship it to her?

I finally open my postage software, and find out the postage rules for different size packages.

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Entitlement, entitled, deserving… do you get what you deserve?

What is the opposite of entitled?

This question around entitlement is asked on google thousands times a day, and the trend is that this number is growing steadily. ((More in certain countries… More in religious countries… Christian countries… Countries with deep Christian roots, like Ireland. One can safely assume that entitled, and deserving was invented by Christianity to promote certain behaviors that a father would want their child to demonstrate.))

Other words that express this same entitlement are deserve and deserving.

Entitled means: believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.

Inherently means: in a permanent, essential, or characteristic way… as if it were a Law of Li

Religion, the law of attraction, positive thinking… and what it is like to be me

I have thousands of audios I can put on my podcast list. Some good, others even better.

This is one of the most profound audios where I dig deep into religion, religious world view, and how it stands in your way to become all you can be.

Worth a thorough listen, even though it doesn’t talk much about the hidden dimension of reality, or racket…

Read the original article: Religion, the law of attraction, positive thinking… and what it is like to be me

Are you tired or are you weak? Revealing the root cause of inaccurate vocabulary…

I am starting to see why my students loved me, rallied for me back in 2012-2013-2014…

It’d been puzzling me… what did I do differently then?

Today I saw it.

I had a private call with a brand new client from Australia, and it was a video call on zoom (don’t ask… first time zoom user myself!) so I could see her, and the changes the conversation was creating in her.

Sense signals fight for dominance all the time, and humans allow visual signals to dominate most of the time… so I wasn’t consciously feeling her… I actually saw her.

And that was a different guidance in many ways… I could SEE what was missing for her, and guide her through that.

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Stairway to heaven or hot air balloon… both can work. You were thinking of a chair lift, weren’t you?

It is, to me, devastating to hear the “bend” of the world to be “against”… and the complete blank when it comes to “for”.

This is nothing new. This is the story of humanity: a richness of distinctions what to hate, what to fight, what to be against… and a poverty of colors, distinctions, actions when that fight succeeds.

No one knows. No one is even looking. No one gets that it is more important than air…

You, for example, went through life being willfully ignored, belittled, criticized, forced, humiliated by your parent.

You are now a parent. You have no idea what a good parent would do or be… you only know what not to do… and you either still do it, or you do this and that, but

You may know the price of everything and the value of nothing

I had a very interesting conversation, in email, with one of my long time students.

It belies one of the fundamental needs of a human: being paid attention to.

You could say: every child is paid attention to, you work for them, you clean them, to feed them, you put them to bed, but being paid attention to is different. It is a need to be personally noticed, considered, and in some way validated… or something breaks inside.

It is hard to estimate how many children suffer from the lack

What is your best that you are offering to the world?

I have been listening to old calls, webinars, courses, with fascination.

The latest call I listened to was a workshop style call for the upcoming course, back in 2013, Called the Pebble In Your Shoe.

I started to see something I could not even fathom six years ago: that we, the current humanity, deny having anything good on ourselves… expect the fake goodness we may pretend.

Essentially we deny our divine origin, our souls, and the soul’s desire, the spirit’s desire to soar.

Mind you, not everybody.

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