What is a soul-mate? Who is your soul-mate? Are they unconditionally nice-nice, or accepting?

One of my students is asking a really good question.

She has two friends whose soul correction is Forget Thyself… and she has a good relationship with me… and I have that same soul correction.

She asks:

Sophie, after I read your last article I checked my last 2 friends’ soul corrections. My one friend who pushed me to a certain level had a soul correction Forget Thyself. My friend now, whom I met this year, also has a soul correction Forget Thyself. Interesting. Do we get attracted to certain soul corrections or maybe we get along better with some soul corrections that matches our soul correction?

The answer is

Weeping looking back at the path — republished

I wrote this article in 2015. I am republishing it… because it is important to read now… given the next article I just wrote… It will make it easier to get.

Here I am this cool Saturday morning, weeping.

I observe. What is there? Pain, definitely. Sense of loss, yes. Sadness, no. Regret, no. Resentment, no.

I have had a hard life. The hardest part is the last 30 years. Maybe 33… Since I left Hungary.

In Hungary I had friends. I had people who would want me around, who would walk with me, who would vouch for me.

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The bumbling idiot’s guide to living a life worth writing about

“The only thing worth writing about is the human heart in conflict with itself” said William Faulkner. I agree, even though the language, the vocabulary is imprecise.

The “heart” is one self, and the other self is the precious “I”, the delusional “I”, the lower self.

The conflict, the struggle to make those two selves align, as William Faulkner says, is worth writing about… because it is like a hero’s journey.

I call it “soul correction” because I am firmly rooted in Kabbalah’s view of life. But it is the same thing: bringing the two selves in harmony so they cause synergy that allows living a life worth writing about.

This pretty much the context for the next quote: “Either write something worth reading (about) or do

If the caterpillar planned to become a butterfly, there would be no more butterflies… but why?

In the famous marshmallow experiment by Walter Mischel. He said that the 30% of the kids that didn’t eat the marshmallow, didn’t even look at the marshmallow. They kept doing other things, keeping their eyes off the marshmallow. Consciously, intentionally, purposefully.

I have read a lot about that experiment, I have even written about it, but I didn’t know that the “winners” avoided looking at the marshmallow. that piece was missing for me, until now. ((One of the challenges I face

The path to self-love… a totally different take… a valid one.

Some 35 years ago I read Rav Hillel’s few lines, If I am not for myself, who will be for me?

If I am not for me, who will be for me? And when I am for myself alone, what am I? And if not now, then when?

it flew in the face of the culture I was raised in, Socialism… I cried, and started to attempt to integrate it.

It took me 35 years.

It’s the hardest of any journey to self-love, self care.

It was for me, and it may be for you… It is easier when you have a teacher.

The main job of a teacher is to hold the dirt while you are digging for gold. The gold is there, but unless someone is there to hold the dirt, the dirt falls back into the hole and covers the gold.

I just listened to a TED talk, and it la

There is no suffering, there is never anything wrong in reality. All suffering, all wrong is brought on by words…

myth... unrealityWe live in an imaginary reality… with literally no capacity, no ability to tell fact from fiction.

For the purposes of this conversation we’ll define reality as something even a just landed Martian can see, a Martian who isn’t complicit ((complicit: involved with others in an illegal activity or wrongdoing)) in the fiction we have been honoring as reality.

A Martian can see what is actually happening, but cannot see anything that is a cultural modification of the happening, or what happens inside your head.

So, for example, a Martian can see your mother talking, can hear voice coming out of your mother’s mouth. But he won’t see yelling, because yelling is a cultural, very emotional modification of speaking

You hate your job? It is boring? It doesn’t make a difference? You are not good at it? It just pays the bills but no fulfillment?

George Bernard Shaw wrote more than a hundred years ago: “This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being a force of nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy.” (())

And what he wrote about you, being a feverish,

What is reality? Is this real? Is this happening or is this just my mind playing with me?

This is a severely truncated article from “Vox”… I am only interested in giving you Bayes’ Method, that will help you go to reality with more certainty than you have now, and spend less time, a whole lot less wondering about your feelings… Whatever they may be. ((In effect, when I look at humanity and the way it’s been going, the correct name for the evolutionary stage would be Homo Emoticum… the Feeling Man… The Emotional Man… no eyes, no ears, no thinking… just freaking emotions… for no reason.))

To my dismay, this is what you have been doing, emoting. You make your decisions based on emotions… Life spent in utter uselessness.

I must admit: I didn’t know. I have never done that. I ha

You never feel bad about what you think you feel bad about

Homo Sapiens, as a species, is pretty messed up. Everything sets its emotions off, and the specimen gets all emotional, angry, afraid, violent, or sad and depressed.

This emotional reactivity makes getting things done near impossible, learning, or having people together pretty hopeless.

Almost all diseases are a consequence of this phenomenon… people eat to soothe themselves. People eat to eat another out of their fortune. People eat to feel superior. People eat to get some enjoyment out of life.

And they eat to fix the damage that overeating caused, and do all kinds of unnecessary things to reduce the damage.

  • They have a huge industry that is designed to make you more miserable, sway you t

The crab bucket mentality

You know, it is really true that your environment, the people with whom you identify and spend the most time with have more to do with who you are going to be, what you are going to do, what your main concerns in life will be, than anything else.

I have been observing people, some more than others.

Some are genuinely talented… and yet their whole world is low vibration, their approach to the world is an incoherent mix of low vibration consistent with their friends’ and their main concerns, while high vibration would be consistent with their inner potential.

One example for this is Tai Lopez.

His friends are low vibration, lowbrow… you could say.