Why is it so hard to get out of the rut you are in?

 Simple answer: You lack skills and capacities… You can boil water, make coffee in the coffee maker, drive a car, open your smartphone… You are not quite hopeless… or are you? Not quite hapless either… or are you? ((Here is an article, 10% truth value… others talk about the topic… read it and feel how confusing it is…

Skills vs Competencies. What’s the Difference?

Gail Sturgess-Dec

Intrapersonal intelligence, the ability and willingness to look within and see accurately

People with intrapersonal intelligence are adept at looking inward and figuring out their own feelings, motivations and goals. They are quintessentially introspective. They analyze themselves and seek understanding. People with intrapersonal intelligence are intuitive and usually introverted.

A year or two ago I saw a rather amateurish but good Singaporean TV show (The Truth Seekers) that shook me to my core… and woke me up.

I may be a conspiracy seeker… but I have a hunch that we, humans, have been trained, for millennia,  by society to look the other way, to deny human nature, and escape into nice-nice, and sugar and spice, instead of confronting head-on what we call human nature.

Read again: Is your inability to say what happened a type of mental illness?

This morning something pulled me back to bed after I got up.

I considered it guidance, and I got back to bed.

What came next was amazing: trips down memory lane, all centering around mental illness, mental stability, your TLB, and what was in common among the many people I remember so clearly, people I spent time with in mental institutions.

As an empath, other people’s feelings, emotions tend to tug at me. today 99% of what I feel is not mine… But before I became conscious, before I started to climb the consciousness tree, 30% of the feelings I felt were mine. I also had a lot more noise in my head… all talking at the same time.

The only reason I know, with 20/20 hindsight

Reality for dummies… the inner reality

Life doesn’t seem to be nice to you. It doesn’t give you what you want, and it gives you a whole lot of what you don’t want.

But there is a science, a system of how to flip that over… and this is what this article is about…

The inner reality…

It’s not when you can talk about it. It is not when you understand. It is when you can actually SEE it happening, this is when consciousness may take over… and lead you to where your inner terrain can become more friendly to you.

You see, reality is hard to see.

Why? Because just like pin tumbler locks, with many pins that need to align

Reality for dummies

A few years ago I made a lot of money selling my Sleep Rescue Remedy. It worked, and 80% of the buyers bought it again. All I needed to do is fill and shop bottles fast enough.

Sleep is a big problem, and unless it is solved, people are getting more and more incoherent and less and less brilliant, less and less able to contain their anger, frustration, fear, anxiety, or desires…

Sleep is a lot like eating: people are unwilling to be disciplined about it, and they pay the price. A big price.

But it is a potentially big money maker.

So why am I not pursuing it? After all making money is good, right?

My answer even surpri

The Dragon Tail effect

You are unaware of your effect on your world. The world sees your dragon tail effect… only you don’t. You are a lot like a 3-year old who covers their eyes and thinks they can’t be seen… ((Awareness is what you can see. Your awareness level is another Starting Point Measurement…

Why Do Kids Cover Their Eyes When Hiding?

By Joanna Goddard in https://cupofjo.com/2012/11/why-do-kids-cover-their-eyes-when-hiding/

You know how children often cover their eyes wh

Feelings, emotions… what should you do with them? or When you have a hammer, you don’t want any other tools…

Most people have one or two tools in their tool box… And what is even stranger: they don’t want any more. Why?

Some of you cannot deal with complexity, and therefore you will deny your right to feel feelings. And some of you will indulge your feelings and never look, never ask any probing questions that could let you see what is really going on…

What am I talking about?

In the Playground program, always starting new groups, we

Carl Jung quotes

C.G. Jung – Quotes
The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.

Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.

Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.

I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.

You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.

Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.

Loneliness does not come from having no people about one, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to oneself, or from holding certain views which others find inadmissible.

The pendulum of the mind oscillates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong.

Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.

Every form of addi

Recognize the deadly undertow… the rip current…

There is a saying: man makes plans, god laughs… but how do you explain it without god… I am an atheist. This article is about what it means “god laughs” and what happens to you and your plans if you don’t know what it means, and how to recognize it.

I found something I have never seen before.

As I have said before, the case, your case, is a shape-shifter, and it knows more tricks than are found in all the trick books out there.

As you know, my case is that I am dead, should be dead, who knows how long I have…

Now, learning, starting a new business, learning a software is for the long term. And I have found myself a non-starter in that. I have more programs

A vibrational review of Michael Simmons, and the introduction of the occurrence mental model you want to get rid of

Mental Models: relate to and solve problems with different, fundamentally different views (perspectives) of reality

It doesn’t take high IQ… it takes the ability (spiritual/mental capacities need to be activated in your DNA through application) to look at things in different ways.

You have an innate, most likely emotions-based mental model, where you judge things by how you feel about them or the person who recommends/sells them.

What clues you in that you are using a mental model is the word: know/don’t know

And that is, of course, all the time.

Some mental models are m