What you don’t know that you don’t know… and can’t “know” because we don’t have a word for

I am working to take some of you back to the place where we abandoned the evolutionary path that would have taken up higher, to the promised land, and made a wrong turn.

From being guided by our feelings to being guided by word.

By feelings I am talking about the sensations our bodies give us, not about the emotions that are exclusively marker feelings, created by words.

The article I have found for you is very closely related to what I am talking about, even though it talks about words… but words are not necessary if you have allowed yourself to feel what you feel.

Working with clients, and working on myself, I can see that for much of the time what I am asking of you doesn’t make sense… meaning: the words, the mind, has

What capacity is missing so that you cannot tell, you cannot recognize the same thing in a different environment?

What capacity is missing so that you cannot tell, you cannot recognize the same thing in a different environment?

I think this is the main issue for people who cannot grow… even if they keep on having private sessions, do all my courses, or all Landmark courses, or all Mindvalley courses, or use energy stuff… mine or others’.

When you put something they know some other environment, they don’t recognize it in a different environment, a different context.

So what is the missing capacity, you wonder… And how can anyone dream up a method to teach it?

A little historical view of how humans evolved (or not) during their lifetimes in previous times…

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When all your efforts result in no learning

“It’s easier to evaluate your results through drunken delusion than to gaze soberly in the mirror and face the truth.”

I had a conversation yesterday with one of my clients, and as it is predictable in many conversations, weight came up.

Weight is a universal source of grief, effort, disappointment, and self-hate.

But why would that be so?

I can recall, in my life, four “campaigns” to regain control over my body.

The most recent one is successful and is going to last. The previous ones included one or two elements that were not sustainable. for example the first time I was on a starvation diet, and I maintained it for 10 years, until I came to the United States, where the plenty beat me on my a**.

The seco

Let’s build a high vibration person

Let’s build a high vibration person… let’s build a skill, let’s build some skills

I am starting a new series that also shows a new direction I am taking my teaching/coaching practice.

The new direction is skill-building.

Obviously, if you are like most people, you have no idea what a skill is. You may say some inane things, but you still don’t know. Even if you read the “what color is your parachute” famous book that has been published and every year for 48 years, with over ten million copies sold.

I have taught it. I have lead the workshop. And I can safely tell you that in all those years, there wasn’t one person who learned from me, or from the book what a skill really is, and then develop skills that would take them

I got a glimpse at how the Canadian Government controls its people

For years I have been pondering what the Canadian government does that makes its constituency so miserable and feel so superior at the same time.

Today a little corner of the mystery lifted.

A client of mine, “Finish What You Start” soul correction, has written me a long message describing his feelings and his behavior of being taken off task, off focus by idle curiosity, sensation and excitement seeking, while he would like to be focused, calm, well… and among others: sleep well.

I recommended that he takes Lithium Orotate, an inexpensive mineral supplement, that has worked miracles with my clients who had a difficulty staying focused, staying on target, getting to sleep on tim

What does skill-building do to you, beyond building skills?

I realized today that I am still at the beginning phases of my “entrepreneurial” journey… meaning: I am not a seasoned entrepreneur.

Why that would be, you ask?

Today I had an insight. Everyone talks about knowing, maybe even knowing how to do something, but hardly anyone talks about building skills, the building blocks of a successful life.

There is a what to do… and then there is a how to do it… and they all look magical and at least foggy for most people…

There are so many how’s that I can promise you it takes years of diligent doing projects one after the other, with help, before you’ll get any good at it.

Here is an embarrassing example: I have been making my own capsules of

The Majority is always wrong and how to make decisions the majority doesn’t make

In the noise of the world, an orgy of misdirection, it is hard to feel, see, hear the guidance…

Awareness, especially Self-awareness is missing…

You have been methodically and systematically trained to be unsuccessful

Who trained you? Other unsuccessful people. Your parents, your teachers, your PhD’s, your blog writers, your youtube Heroes.

And of course you buy their b.s., lock stock and barrel, as if it were the god honest truth.

I was somewhat lucky: my parents didn’t talk to me… so they could not mislead me. My teachers didn’t talk to me, there were no blogs…

But, unfortunately, as an empath, other people’s feelings that felt like mine, d

Being judged

We are judged all the time. Justly, unjustly, the feeling of being judged is familiar to all of us… and some of us is bothered and paralyzed by it more than others.

What’s painful in being judged is that the judgment contains a kernel of truth (or more) and the other part is the judging themselves: in judging they place themselves above us… simply unbearable to the sensitive Precious “I”.

This story is about my very recent “bout” with being judged… and shows what is on the other side of judgment… how to free yourself from it so it doesn’t sting quite that much… maybe not even at all.

OK, here we go:

If you’ve known me for a while, you know that I don’t do housework, or

There is a secret switch at 200 vibration… so secret you miss it unless you are told

…in fact, without that secret switch you can’t really get to 200 vibration, and if by accident (siphoning someone else’s energy) you got there… you’ll lose it… because to get to 200 and stay there… you need this capacity…

Everyone has a good firm suggestion what is the most important spiritual capacity of a person who’ll go far… very far, or at least as far as experiencing the good life goes…

Because the good life is not very far… no matter what anyone says.

The main difference between someone who is living the good, the excellent life, and someone who is struggling, trying to get to the good life is not on the outside.

I could say meme-like nothings, inane b.s. like most people… but

How To Stay Broke Forever

If you ever wondered where guidance comes from, here is a great example, from about 10 minutes ago.

In an email conversation, one of my “interns” was commiserating with me… because the refrigerator died again, and this time there is no excuse: it needs to be replaced.

But… in order to bring in a new one, I have to push stuff aside, clean the old one from now rotting stuff… and I feel very weak to even contemplate doing it.

So she says (my intern): “and everything feels heavy when you’re weak.”

Lucky formulation of a sentence… because it woke me up. This, what she says, is true across the board. It is true in the physical realm, and it is even more true in the “psychological” realm: if you feel weak you’ll do