The history of medical science reads like a detective novel, or a conspiracy book.

Each century has its own favorite scapegoat-like cause of disease, a thing they blame everything, and each turns out to be not a comprehensive reason, or not a reason at all. ((Humors — blood letting, spirits, bacteria, viruses, genetics… never lifestyle, nutrition, no… they don’t make money for the “in” crowd, the doctors, the specialists, etc. And in our day and age, the alternative doctors crowd is doing it as well… lying, cheating, defrauding. Ugly story.))

And then, or course, people make fortunes on telling people what to think, what to be scared of, what to try to prevent, pay to have cured… and no one is the smarter.

Especially not the general public. (( Posted on in Evolution Modalities | Leave a comment

How fast can you raise your vibration?

Humility is the mother of all virtues, courage the father, integrity the child and wisdom the grandchild.There are two main issues (lack of courage and lack of humility) that if you have them, you probably won’t be able to raise your vibration until you overcome these two issues.

To illustrate the first, I’ll use Tai Lopez’s email… Thank you Tai

I had someone ask me the other day “Hey Tai, if you could take one quote from throughout history and make it you life guide, what quote would it be?”

That’s a pretty tough question, because you can use quotes and history as free mentor.

If I had to take one quote and make it my purpose in life, It would be something I read from Alexa

4 types of animals… which one sleeps like you should

A sleep doctor says 4 types of animals represent how people sleep — and these are the ideal daily routines for each

When it comes to health and productivity, it’s not just about what you do — eating right, exercising, and working hard — it’s also about when you do it.

Chronobiology is the study of internal clocks, how they differ among people, and how you can adjust your daily schedule to suit your unique biological rhythm. Each person’s rhythm, or chronotype, is different.

According to psychologist and sleep specialist Dr. Michael Breus, there are four chronotypes, which he labels dolphins, lions, bears, and wolves. Roughly half the population is made up of bears; the rest is split among dolphins, lions, and wolves.

Breus’ website includes a diagnostic quiz rea

It’s a dangerous world in there-out there… or does voodoo work?

After I hit the “publish” button the other day, I suddenly an had a flash of insight: The Wicked Witch of the West uses voodoo to harm me… I was wrong about thinking that she spends her whole day tormenting me… even though I am tormented, she only needs to “refresh” the hate on her voodoo doll or whatever symbolic artifact she uses to represent me.

Sometimes the pain is my heart, or my back, or my stomach, or my head.

So far so good… I recalled that I realized that years ago… just forgot.

What is interesting is the following exchange I had with Source:

Could I do the same? Yes. Would she know that I am doing it? Yes. (( Posted on in Evolution Modalities | Leave a comment

You don’t care… then why should I?

why should I care if you don't?Finally, after seven months on the war path, two weeks ago I found the solution to get rid of all three near microscopic biting mites… (including what causes the mysterious Morgellons) and to my surprise, suddenly, at the same time, my whole attitude changed with regards to working.

Suddenly, I went from working bee… to “I did not want to work any more.” I just wanted to read, play, watch Netflix. I didn’t even want to write any articles any more.

WTF, right?

So yesterday I sat down and had a heart to heart with Source, through questions, of course.

The questions were, I am a little ashamed to confess, all around how to fix this. After all I have a history of destroying my business w

DNA tests for diets… are they useful, or are they a fraud?

Your DNA and your food list… The Ancestral Diet, DNA diet… a vibrational review

I started to research this area out of my desire to get more clients for health consultation.

Essentially when I do a health consultation with a client, what I do is muscle test

  • their nutritional deficiencies against a 90 nutrition list I swiped from Joel Wallach,
  • I test their food allergies, sensitivities and intolerances,
  • their optimal way to eat following the Human Design institute’s model.
  • their current health number (

Can I teach you to connect to Source?

In the Arthur Conan Doyle story A Scandal in Bohemia whatever… featuring Sherlock Holmes, there is an important learning that just came really handy for me today. In fact: it should have been part of my Itch webinar series… it is so in line with that.

The principle is that when there is a fire, for example, you’ll instinctively move to save what is most important to you… maybe ever, maybe just in that moment.

Some save their money, some save their children, others save their pet. ln the Sherlock Holmes story, The Woman was saving her picture she wanted to use to blackmail some Bohemian royalty.

Why is the truth value of your knowledge so low? 2% truth value! It means 98% of what you know is wrong!

Your starting point measurements paint an accurate picture of you… ((The truth value of your personal knowledge is indicated in your vocabulary number… your clarity… It can be translated to a truth value. My truth value is 70% and my accurate vocabulary is 4000… so do some math… lol.)) But here is something it won’t tell me: can you ask intelligent questions? I am learning in my strategy sessions that indeed you can’t.

Questions that no one is asking are very telling. They are indicative of the direction I want to go.

When everyone zigs… I prefer to zag.

Why? Because the masses are always wrong. Not only in details, but more importantly, in the direction they are marching.

This, the masses, include a

Democratize… Or how do you reproduce your misery with every action you take

You read articles and blog posts because the title sounds interesting.
You watch videos because you have heard of the person who made it.
You sign up with a coach or a teacher because what they say resonates with you…

If something isn’t working, there is something that you don’t know

Here is a very important piece of knowledge: if something resonates with you, if something makes sense that it will either lower your vibration or will keep you the same… at best.

Your mind is interested in keeping you where you are. It is in ess, evolutionary stable strategy, and will direct you to people and knowledge that doesn’t upset the apple cart.

What is new, what you need if you really