The fundamental difference between low vibration and high vibration is…

If you admire the butterfly, then you have low vibration… A butterfly person will not be enamored with a butterfly…

The “I don’t like” “I don’t want” list, seems to be a very reliable measure of the size of your world and thus your vibration. (You may call it your frequency, or your vibrational frequency… but what the words indicate isn’t real… your vibration is better defined in this article.)

When you have low vibration (under 200), the size of your world is tiny, mostly about you, your person, how you feel, etc.

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How to Be the Type of Person Everyone Wants to Know

Here is an article that has truth in it, but not the whole truth. The article is a typical psychological take on a human condition… and is incomplete.

Here is an example of what a 7% truth value is, and what is missing to make it acceptable… and no, a 7% truth value is not acceptable.

I am going to attempt to add some of my own discoveries… to bring it up to a higher, hopefully much higher level of truth value…

First: read the article. I felt horrible reading it, because it made me feel bad about myself. Not many people consider me good company… so I definitely don’t qualify to being the type of person everyone wants to know.

At the same time my fixed mindset is only 7%… so what’s going on?


Fighting the demon: You/I spend most of our lives trying to fix something that never happened…

You/I spend most of our lives trying to fix something that never happened. That was never factually true. Even though you keep telling the story as if it were true.

Some people call these demons… even though there are no demons… but nevertheless, using the expression: fighting your demons is very accurate, if you don’t believe that demons are entities. There are no entities in the visible or invisible Universe.

And yet we are fighting… I call it an itch… a compulsion… something that makes you weird.

I have known that the story to tell is not true. I have known this for a long while… but this past week, in an impromptu conversation with a long time student of mine, I suddenly saw that finding the unt

Are you dead or mostly dead, slightly alive?

The attitude of submission, dutifulness, and the death of individual and the death of joy

Part of the enslavement process that has been going on for thousands of years, you are robbed of your sense of free will, and your joy.

The chicken coop ((from the White Tiger)) doesn’t want you to enjoy anything… or more precisely, it separates enjoyment as a special thing on special occasions, not your natural state. Same with happiness.

But the truth is: your natural state is joy. Enjoying the body, the movement, breathing, eating, working: everything.

One of my challenges is to re-awaken, to liberate that cap

There are no good energies and bad energies. There are no light energies and dark energies. There is only energy.

There are no good energies and bad energies. There are no light energies and dark energies. There is only energy.

Good and bad, dark and light, are moral judgments, also called systemic judgments, or black and white world view.

What is prompting this topic is that today is Day or Power, which means a huge energy influx from the Light… the Energy Source of the Universe.

Energy dissipates, and for the world, the universe to keep on going, it is getting a twice a month energy infusion from where it has all come.

I am not saying this is the truth, but by all measures, this seems to match my experience, and my muscle testing through Source, also known as the Zero Point Field.

Rob Brezsny interprets the invisible and answers attacks

I am sharing today’s Rob Brezsny newsletter, because he answers a lot of question for me, about my work as well.

For example, why would soul correction be calculated from your date of birth… WTF, right? But it is very accurate, I must tell you. Even though I discover and am shown aspects of a soul correction, once I see the new aspect, I can look and it fits all people with the same correction like a glove.

I am also starting to see more clearly some low vibration aspects of different systems of thought.

For example: any system of thought that subscribes to god, gods, angels, or in fact any entities, loses truth value and vib

What is the most frequent beingness?

The most frequent “who” aka beingness I encounter is stingy. ((Much more frequent than greedy…))

Stingy can be seen in everything you do.

Everyone wants something, and very few are willing to do anything for it.

One of these things you want, for example, is the experience of being in the flow. I also call it “hitting your stride”. Hitting your stride is that state where things go smoothly, you are your best, and things are humming. Heaven. Bliss. Wonderful.

But… unless you have invested enough energy to have a stride, you won’t be able to hit it.

And if you are part of the minority that has some expertise, high level of functioning, it still takes time and faith or trust to get into the groo

Beingness is invisible, but it is the key to happiness…

I am learning what to teach, what is missing, what is needed from my students.

There is something I struggled with for decades, I have, it seems, overcome it, and have never seemed to look at it again… ponder it, and then teach it.

A different look at distinction reveals a different way lack of distinctions make life more difficult.

Imagine a surgeon in the operating room talking like this: Nurse, give me that little thingie… you know the one with the curved blades that aren’t blades at all, but look like blades… you know?

If things don’t have exactly defined names, the surgeon will kill the patient.

Half of being a surgeon is to know what tool to use and what it is called.

The same is true in every area of life, especially w

Cults proliferate in the “we generation” periods… We are in a we generation period.

I go shopping for food once every two weeks. I have a shopping list of 15 items, of which 10 are there every time… not changing.

My eating style is to eat by appetite, one food per meal. And boring… little or no variety. I do well with that. Variety: my gut cannot keep up with that.

But every time I shop I sneak in something different, eat it and get sick for a day or two or three. That is my indulgence for that two week period.

It makes me feel free.

I am from Hungary. I like spicy sausage. There is a famous sausage in Hungary, Gyulai kolbász. Chorizo is similar, but not the same. So I have been buying Andouille sausage made by Dartagnan.

Obviously the sausage is made of pork meat and pork fat.


Compassion, Morgellons, and the invisible world that can be felt

Often the only way you’ll notice your attitude when it goes away.

This is exactly what happened to me today. It started yesterday with a dull distaste in my belly, and today, as I was doing some research, it flipped… and I was left with seeing clearly that my arrogance and maybe condescension was an attitude.

It is hard to see oneself… but I got a glimpse of myself in this.

I am an experimenter, in spite of the support I get from Source.

I get answers, but sometimes I have wrong questions: questions that take me on a loop.

Health is the main area of loops… A loop is when you spend time battling windmills as if they were giants, like Don Quixote.

And then I find something and I get arrogant, and self-congrat