Vibrational Review: Ann Taylor Healer: is she a fraud? The 3-card Monte of Ann Taylor: watch my left while I pick your pocket with my right

Ann Taylor healer , founder of Inner Healing, Inc., is an internationally-known energy healer and teacher. Personal Vibration: 250. Truth value of her teaching: 200; clientele: under 100. Her world view is faulty, so even if she mixes truth into her fast talk. Ann Taylor healer , oh my

How To Get Your "Heaven On Earth" Energy, the 5th Phase of ascension?

How To Get Your “Heaven On Earth” Energy, the 5th Phase of ascension? The Heaven on Earth energy bundle contains the antidote for all the bad feelings, all the character flaws, all the selfishness you can have. It is a one-command energy download , coming straight from Source.

Agrimony: the perils of unexpressed grief. Are You Willing To Change? Do You Have a Big Enough Why? LOL… not funny

Agrimony: the perils of unexpressed grief I’ve been diligently working on my assignment: connecting Humanity to Source and vice versa. Humanity is learning about Source, and Source is learning about Humanity. One thing Source learned yesterday is that Humanity, as a whole, is unwilling to change. Now, that is not 100% true, only 99%. According to muscle testing, only the people in the poorest countries of the Earth, that, somehow managed to still foster and have personal ambition, are willing to change