Feedback… Feedback… Feedback

from Jodie

1) What was your primary reason for asking for your health measurement?

Initially I asked for this only because I was curious. I thought I was in fairly good health and I just wanted to make sure. It turned out I was wrong. That was my very first communication with Sophie, and three major healings later I would say it has been life-changing.

2) Describe what your understanding was regarding what you found out

My understanding was that there was an issue with my ovaries that was still small enough to address, and that there were things I could do to addr

Everything you ever wanted is beyond entitlement, not fear

Everything you ever wanted comes to you through people. And everything you ever wanted is on the other side of NOT FEAR but entitlement.

Not some deity, not the Universe, but people. Darn! right?

Because we are lousy at this people thing, aren’t we?

The most successful at this are the sociopath, psychopaths, narcissists… not the ‘good’ people. The assholes.

… the devil doesn’t come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you’ve ever wished for ... ~ Tucker Max, Assholes Finish First

But what do they do, (the assholes) and how do they do it, so that they are the most successful at it? And why them, wh

The Truth About Western Medicine and the Rise of Remote Healing

The Truth About Western Medicine and the Rise of Remote Healing

It is no secret that western medicine has a low truth value when it comes to diagnoses and treatments. In fact, research shows that up to 70% of cancer diagnoses are false positives, leading many to question the credibility of this medical system.

Moreover, western medicine tends to focus on addressing symptoms rather than getting to the root cause of a health issue. This often results in prescribing pills or undergoing procedures that simply mask the symptoms, rather than providing a long-term solution.

But what many people are not aware of is the dark side of the medical industry – the medical monopoly. It’s no secret that pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies have a tight grip on the healthcare system, leading to inflated costs and a focus on profit rather than patient well-being.

Additionally, many doctors are stuck in outdated knowledge and are forced to follow guidelines set by these

Starting something new, especially if you need the results

Starting something new, especially if you need the results is an arduous process. Whether what you start is in health, wealth, love or fulfillment… the process is the same. Difficult.

Because the process requires several spiritual capacities, and abilities that most people don’t have.

I am going to assume that you already have some capacities…

you are

  • able to manage your attention
  • able to pull back all the energies others and other tasks seem to want, and put it all where you now need it: the new venture.
  • you are good, maybe even masterful at being present… maybe through the Drink your Food challen

How Matthew McConaughey echoes what I teach

So if my writing style, if my teaching style doesn’t resonate with you, here is how he says it in this 9-minute long video:

And here is the transcript of the original, much longer talk that the video was made if:

Can you hear me? Can you hear me? You hear me? Okay. Congratulations class of 2015.

You guys and girls, and young men and women are the reason I’m here. I’m really looking forward to talking with you all tonight. You heard my dad played football here and I believe he even graduated from here. That was some extra incentive for me to come.

Short and sweet or long and salty? A sugar doughnu

If I see you as beautiful… will you too?

happy-babyIf I see you as beautiful… will you see yourself as beautiful?
If I see you as magnificent, great, awesome… will you see yourself like I do?

Muscletest and my experience says: no.

The most beautiful women spend hours in front of the mirror staring at their imperfections… trying to hide them.

There are also beautiful women who can say: so what. They are in search of some other imperfection.

We know ourselves intimately, and rare is the person who can leave it alone… who can refrain bemoaning their faults, and stop trying to fix themselves while keeping up appearances.

The question came up because of my last article. I bet a lot of people thought I should have told the woman in the article how wond

What else? Where else? A spiritual practice

where-elseOne of my ‘favorite’ practices is this:

I find out that I misunderstood something. It cost me to miss something. It cost me to misunderstand. And it always does.

So instead of getting upset. Or angry. Or beat myself up. I do something constructive.

I expand my cone of vision.

And I ask the question: I wonder what else I misunderstand? I wonder what else I misread? Where else I am sure I understand and I don’t.

Or I make a mistake… Where else do I make a mistake like this? Or this same mistake…

Because how you do anything is how you do everything!

I sent out an email last night asking for people who haven’t raised their hand to work with me yet, to raise their hands if they are potentials to work with

Complaining And Other Politically Incorrect Phenomena

the hidden gold in complaining The Gifts Of Complaining And Other Weird and Politically Incorrect Phenomena That Produces Dramatic Results

This article is about a counter-intuitive transformational technology you probably won’t find anywhere else… It is worth its weight in gold and it can make the biggest difference in your life, in your level of satisfaction, happiness and well-being.

I am taking a seminar I took some 25 years ago. I am taking it again, in spite of the inconvenience of having to hitch a ride to a town 60 miles away, having to be among people with really low vibration.

I am taking it again because it made such a huge impact on my life 25 years ago. In fact I would not be here doing this work if it ha

Authenticity is a matter of integrity on the highest level

lying-is-comfortableTrying to act like a Buddha won’t make you a Buddha.

I just finished a webinar… Before the webinar one of my students wrote an email to me wondering why I don’t lie to them before and during a webinar. Why I don’t say that it is going to be easy. That it is going to be piece of cake.

But it had taken me quite a bit of time and effort to learn that trying to act like a Buddha won’t make me a Buddha.

The vulnerability that honesty requires isn’t something everybody can handle. So lying allows people to be comfortable.

One of my students told me. He is a really smart guy, isn’t he?

And I bet you can see that the next step he would take after making this really sma