Something or someone always tries to kill you

Something or someone always tries to kill you, kill your confidence, kill your success.

It is not wrong. It is the nature of reality.

And unless you learned this really early on, you are both ineffective at life, and always pissed. Pissed, as in frustrated, angry, upset, because the way the world is doesn’t match your expectations, your picture of what is fair.

One would think I had already known this… and maybe to a certain degree I have.

But not fully.

In this new health struggle where some bacteria is hellbent on killing me I am learning a lesson I should have learned a long long time ago… except I didn’t have anybody to teach it to me.

So given my position and role in lif

Do not die in the attempt! Die in the doing! Part 2

Most people, even some sayings suggest that dying trying is a good thing. But that supports most people who stop at tying and never get to doing. They have the sizzle of the steak, but never deliver the steak itself.

This is the continuation of yesterday’s article.

Not real, not real.‘ What happens when you can say that?

I may not live much longer, but while I am alive, I’ll do the work necessary.

I slept a total of two hours last night. Then I woke up with a start… could not go back to sleep… And the experience of I am suffocating every time I put my head down is not ever going to allow me to sleep again.

So I got up, and researched chronic

I had a rough night. I am still tired and foggy…

I had a rough night. I could barely breath, especially when I lied down. So I didn’t…

It’s been coming for about three weeks, and it didn’t respond to healing.

It felt likely that it was my last night on earth.

And I had no idea what was causing it. I sat on the edge of the bed. I sat on the chair by my computer. taking even just five steps felt like the end of me.

At a point around 7 am I had a thought. There was something familiar about the symptoms, or half of the symptoms. Wanting to poop, and nausea… When did I have that. Was it 2018? I think so. And then it was from eating something spoiled.

So energized by this new line of inquiry, I asked Source different questions. I started to take Goldenseal tincture a

Do not die in the attempt! Die in the doing!

I had a flash of insight today.

I have been looking at books, movies, TV-shows and see what attracted me, and when I was not attracted, what turned me off.

I saw that I would stop reading or stop watching in the middle, if the main character isn’t made likeable…

I also noticed that the bulk of the books has been moving in the direction of featuring strong headed females, and weak males… not the direction my liking goes.

So it is more and more difficult to find anything to read, anything to watch.

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Do you live like a vibrational being? What’s the opposite?


This article has the power to create a turning point for you. It probably won’t… but it is not the article’s fault. If you think you already know, if you think you are already smart… it won’t do a thing for you. So better you just leave now…

I just worked on extracting the relevant part from Sunday’s Muscletesting course recording…

The part where I am talking about the nature of the universe… I ta about the wave nature of the Universe.

What is wave nature?

It’s going on and off frequently. Another word for that is oscillation.

If you consider life and th

Is my life an exercise in… what? … futility?

Yesterday’s article fell flat on its face… as it was predictable in view of my almost 40 year experience.

If I started again from where YOU are, no distinctions, I would print out the ‘koan’ I heard many times from Forum Leaders:

For you everything is the same as everything else… except that not always.

The first part of that sentence is important to get: you can’t tell what something is… The ability to be able to tell, exactly, is the key to navigating in the world, in health, wealth, love and fulfillment. The ability is called astuteness, and I can’t give it to you.

Like with everything you can be on the map, not even on the map. And if you are on the map, then you can be any

Another success story of remote healing

1) What was your primary reason for asking for your health measurement?

I had been feeling stiffness and pain in my back for over a year and finally decided to order a health measurement from Sophie to find out what was causing it. I suspected that it was a health-related issue and that there was something out there that could help me get back to feeling normal again. I had a feeling that it was really time to seek help and that I shouldn’t wait much longer.

2) Describe what your understanding was regarding what you found out

My understanding was that I had an issue with my small and large intestines and that receiving healing from Sophie was the fastest way to start resolving the illness. If I had no

The idea of something isn’t the thing….

Most people stop and are satisfied with the idea of a thing they want. They never do more, and they are surprised that life doesn’t work.

In this article I won’t talk about the fact that people are not willing to actually do anything much for what they want… it is widely known… so I’ll just assume that you know that, but that is not the only thing that’s missing.

I know it is not nice to be critical of one’s alma mater, but even Landmark Education (where I learned most of what I know) never went beyond that.

Landmark’s idea of inventing a possibility for yourself and for your life sounds sooo good, but is still a definition. Words. It is still just the idea of the possibility: no distinction.

I have

Testimonial questions

Questions that help you give me a good testimonial


this is a tool both for you and me. What’s in it for you? Most of the time we don’t stop to look why we did what we did. What was the learning. What was the benefit. What did we do? What did we expect.

These questions are geared primarily to people who got healing from me, Sophie. But for every healing client I have 10 clients who bought something else… And if that is you, wherever I ask about healing, or health, just substitute what you bought.  Answer, thoughtfully, every question that you have an answer for, and then email it to me. Even if you hate me, it will serve both of us. You express your hate, your disappointment, your anger, and will feel better. Or maybe you’ll see what YOU did that made you not enjoy what you bought. You can call me names: you have my permission. Just d