Being judgmental is a result of your health number being low

judge and be judged

  • One of my ex-students got offended when I suggested that she does her homework instead of having excuses. She left and she stopped visiting my site… I felt the ‘F… you’ from her… When I asked yesterday if she was angry, she said… “No, I just need to grow thicker skin…” Her health number is 7%.
  • One of my students took two years to finally get a job, because in her last job she felt judged… for being different. She is Chinese in a predominantly White country. Once I adjusted her diet… she is flying. She went from 10% to 50% in her health number.
  • Another student is judgmental and doesn’t listen. She lives in systemic… even in the areas of food, marriage, children, smart… not a single step outside of it. Her health number is 7%.

If you are well, you can be in any state at any time

If you are well, you can be in any state at any time… If you are well, you can be in any state at any time Systemic aka judgmental mode, extrinsic aka “is it useful?” mode, or intrinsic mode: the “benevolent all seeing god” mode.

The lower your health number, the more systemic you are. ((want to get your health number? You can get it, but I recommend that you get it in the “combo“, where I give you six things about you…
your vibration
your overall IQ including your intelligence
the number of spiritual capacities you have
your soul correction (your machine)
do you have attachments?
the level of your health
So get your combo))

So let’s look at an example, for starters, let’s look at a frequent situation in my own business: rejection.

It will give me an opportunity to explain two things with one example…

I often tell people that I can’t work with them because their vibration is too low, and because I feel what you feel and it makes me sick. Their emotions make my adrenaline glands pump. Their emotions make chemicals in my body that can kill me, that make me fat, that make my muscles hurt.

if-i-am-not-for-me-bilingualI tell you I won’t work with you, because I love me more than I love you… so I choose my health. Because “If I am not for me, who is for me?” the famous Rabbi Hillel quote. ((Your adrenaline fatigue, your low health number, your poor sleep, your low attention span, etc. all come from the same chemicals I am trying to protect myself from: your own reactions to your harsh emotional reaction to things you misunderstand, your cognitive biases, your black and white view of the world.

When you ask for a health evaluation, I won’t take you on unless you can really benefit from it. If you have no energy to step out of your black and white view of the world, you can’t and I won’t…

And yes, your vibration is a very reliable indicator of your narrow view of the world… If it is under 170, you live there. Life or death, black or white, good or bad, stupid or smart, possible or impossible, nice or nasty…))

So, first let’s see where, on which level of value am I standing when I say that?

Am I standing in systemic? No. How do I know? There is more than black and white… “too low vibration” has more facets than one. Remember: systemic has two faces. Extrinsic has some faces (the soup can be tasty, hot, thick, colorful, etc.), and intrinsic, like a diamond, has hundreds of faces.

I say I was standing in the extrinsic view, when I tell people I can’t work with them.

But no matter where I look from, I could have a systemic judgment, or an extrinsic or and intrinsic.

Nine ways to skin a cat… as they say.

Let’s see if I passed judgment, evaluation, assessment, or anything on them?

Do I say they are bad, wrong, worthless?

No. I don’t say that. That would be a systemic judgment, but that is not what I am saying.

I said that their vibration and their own feelings are unpleasant and harmful to me as an empath.

So that was an extrinsic judgment, from the extrinsic level… my feelings, my health, my well being.

When you give me $200, and I give you a session, I don’t want to spend that money on chiropractic adjustment, or to fill in the hole that missed days put in my budget… But, of course, if I get sick, I can’t work. Or don’t feel like working. Or do stupid things, because my health drops.

My health has extrinsic value for me, and your $200 has extrinsic value for me. I choose: my health is more valuable to me than your $200.

I do not devalue them as people, as intrinsic values… I don’t even talk about intrinsic value, or even about their value…

Your intrinsic value is not the issue for me… Even though I know that if you had more capacities, and you could express more intrinsic capacities, your vibration would be higher and you would feel better, to yourself, and to me.

So, as you see, where I am coming from is almost immaterial to you… if your vibration is low.

That is the third aspect of this conversation:

What you say about what I said.

What is becoming increasingly obvious to me, is that when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

If you know only two ways to be: systemic way and extrinsic way, then you’ll hear only those as well.

Your dominant mode of being will define your dominant way of hearing.

If you are dismissive, intolerant, black and white, fixing person, then you’ll hear that I said that you are unfixable, throwaway, not worth anything. Systemic judgment.

If you are self-indulgent, pleasure seeking, money loving person, then you’ll hear that you haven’t earned my liking, and you’ll try to make me like you. You’ll brown-nose, you’ll bribe me, you compliment me.

Either way, you won’t be able to hear that I have trouble being with you, for fault of my own.

You see, until you have distinctions, everything will be the same as everything else.

And you’ll return to your default mode: offended, victim, slighted, depressed, angry, vengeful… YOUR default mode. And then you’ll do the “therefore” dance… run, attack, yell… whatever your default “therefore” is to your default feeling.

And it is all because you can’t see. It is all because you jump. It is all because you are a one-track pony… whatever that means, it’s not a compliment. ((When your health is very poor, you are in self-defense mode, and that means your cone of vision will be very narrow, you’ll be fixated on what you know, and very little else is going to be able to penetrate your thick wall of defense… Once your health get into the 40-50% range, you are going to, magically, transform into a smarter person with a wider cone of vision.))

One of the ways to get my job done, and raise your vibration, is to make you be able to see more, so you can bring some variety to how you feel, and how you act.

You are predictable. And that makes your future predictable too.

People react to your reaction… and it means, often, paradise lost. Love lost. Affinity lost.

So how do you widen the circle of what you can see?

I can only tell you what I did, or better said: what I have been doing, to widen MY circle.

I learn new ways of looking, new ways of being, and new distinctions with regularity. One a day minimum.

Another way is to use these three levels of value as a direction to ponder…

It’s a good starting point. Where is the speaker standing. It can be you, it can be someone talking to you, it can be someone in a movie.

Spend time identifying how many facets their speaking intimate. Does the value they assign have gradation? If it is one and its opposite only: they speak from systemic judgment. But if, like in my case, it has a scale, like truth value, vibration, health number… then it’s not systemic, it’s either extrinsic or intrinsic.

At this point your main goal is to get out of the tiny prison of the systemic world view.

It will gradually raise your vibration. Why? Because in systemic world view you are in reaction mode, and your view of the world and reality are the furthest they can be.

Your vibration number is strongly correlated to how close your view of the world and reality are. But interestingly it is also very closely correlated to your health number!

Dr. David Hawkins used a feeling chart to help you find yourself, but it is grossly inaccurate.

He used it, smartly, because you can feel how you feel, but you cannot see that your world is a delusion… you think it’s real. You think you see what’s there. Only other people can see how off you are.

So he used what you can see: your dominant mood. Guilty, depressed, sad, or the coveted joy, happiness, freedom, etc.

So if you want to start your journey, your first step is to be able to see beyond the systemic, black and white judgment that triggers all your feelings. All? All bad feelings, for sure. And some “good” feelings as well.

Start graduating to the extrinsic level, where you can start to see more facets. It won’t be easy, but you can do it.

Practice it religiously, because the more facets you can see, with the more easy and speed you can see them, the better life will become. Guaranteed.

Watch me do it!

It’s Saturday morning, and it’s raining cats and dogs.

In Hungary, if it rained on June 6, it rained for six weeks, every day.

Here, where I live now, it is almost the same… but it is less than six weeks.

Not good for the crops. Excellent for the water reservoir. Not a big deal for the squirrel that found shelter in one of my windows that has a roof hanging over…

Did you see how I did it? I want from systemic judgment to extrinsic judgment… to a tiny bit into intrinsic: my empathy and compassion for the squirrel.

You can do it. So do it.

It is all in a day’s work!

Read the original article: Being judgmental is a result of your health number being low

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