Living My Life As An Experiment…

Living my life as an experiment has given me a valuable “to the side and slightly elevated” vantage point. What does that mean? That while I am in the midst of whatever is going on, whatever is bothering me, I am also viewing it from a point not in the midst of. Example: My landlord treats me like a dirty rag. That is a sentence from he midst of…

Connecting To Source: Removing The Limited Perspective Of The Human Mind

Connecting To Source: Removing The Limited Perspective Of The Human Mind In this article I’d like to share about one benefit that you see when you connect, and you connect regularly. In the 6,000 years that we’ve been voluntarily disconnected from our Source, we have been limited to the vantage point being ground-bound, physical existence-bound, mind-bound, past-bound. In spite of the fact that almost as soon as we disconnected, we started to build Upper Worlds of our own design, we are still EArth Bound. What does this mean? This means that the real nature of reality, the holographic nature of it, is hidden from our view

Powerful, Powerless, Linchpin, Cornerstone, Your Reactive Mind, Phase Two

In this article I am going to teach you what it is going to take to take you through Phase Two of the Planetary Ascension. I am going to show you what will be the pivotal points to take you from where you are, to where you desire to be. It’s going to be new, so fasten your seat belts, please. The first thing we’ll need to talk about, how come that the Original Design activation doesn’t include everything that you need to have all your desires fulfilled.