What would happen if you considered YOURSELF a business? Would you continue mistreating yourself?

What would happen if you considered yourself a business? would you manage yourself differently? would you treat yourself differently? would you still spend your time doing what you do?
I bet you would have a ton of upset about the things stand now, and a lot to do to turn your life matching a business you’d desire to be! I know, this is exactly what’s happening to me

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/12110/business/

Coaching and Consulting

I am sometimes available for coaching and consulting in the areas of attitudes as applies in business, health, relationship, and personal growth.
If you are in need of consulting i.e. diagnosis, please contact me by email, and we’ll see if I am able to help you in your specific…

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/coaching-and-consulting/

Intuitive, counter intuitive… what is that? Should you be intuitive?

The title of this post is tricky: what we consider intuitive and counter-intuitive, are most what answer the question: does it make sense?
And if it makes sense, then it is Tree of Knowledge, then it fits in with all the stuff that’s stored in your mind, and in society’s collective mind,…

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/12074/intuitive-counter-intuitive/

On being a good loser: Why that attitude may be the key to being able to change?


Summary: Being a good loser is an attitude. A pleasant one at that. But what is that all about, and why should you care?
Being a good loser, moment by moment, not be tightened up by momentary losses, is the quality that allows someone to play to win, instead of play not to lose
Bruce Lee…

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/12049/good-loser-attitude/

How can I help you grow?

You may be one of the many people that find it hard to pinpoint what would be the best use for your life… what direction your life’s purpose lies. This article dives into that, and also into how to get rid of wasting your life away.l

Attitude Adjustment – is it easy?

Our attitudes are the base of the iceberg… you need to go deep to find them, appreciate them, and change them. No voodoo method, energies, subliminal, affirmations will every change them… just cover them even more, and push them deeper, into hiding.

Attitude in relation to yourself: your self-esteem

Attitude: the most potent invisible builder or invisible destroyer of your life, of your dreams, of your results, of your relationships. It is invisible to you, but glaringly obvious to others. Isn’t it time you took an inventory and start changing your attitudes, one by one.

Attitude, the most misunderstood word in the world… A holographic approach to attitude adjustment

Attitude is everything. If you take two people with the exact same circumstances, one will thrive, the other will shrink and perish. Attitude is your relationship to things. But not ‘relationship as an outward issue,’ but an internal issue. An attitude is relationship invented and expressed in language. It was invented, chosen, consciously, or unconsciously, in language. Mostly internal language, between you and you… you call them thoughts, but it is really a speaking you did… a decision, a judgment, a conclusion about you, about another, about the world.

Two new posts on my healing blog

In this article I write about my healing practice, how I get healing from doing healing, and how I make sure that I obey energy’s desire to move. I also mention two healing case studies on my Healing Blog.

What Does It Say About You That You Follow A Guru Whose Vibration Is Lower Than Yours?

Tweet Why do I feel sad? I got up this morning. I slept well in spite of the heat. The first email I opened was about a guru I