Sometimes the teacher needs the teaching more than the student, especially a spiritual teacher. Marketeer Poneman and Trivedi: which is the evil one?

Sometimes the teacher needs the teaching more than the student, especially a spiritual teacher. Marketeer Poneman and Trivedi: which is the evil one? Yesterday, the theme in my 2nd Phase Activator Class was compassion: That compassion is not

From My Correspondence: Awakening: Will It Feel Good?

From My Correspondence: Awakening: Will It Feel Good? This is a student’s email to me. “I’ve been reading your emails and doing the Unconditional Love Activator and taken the Bach Remedy and I have felt things that I haven’t felt in a while, such as getting angry, wishing others wouldn’t win, etc. I’m sort of miserable and then I was reading one of your latest blogs and you said if we had, I think, Wild Oat, Aspen, Centaury etc.

Grieving The Loss Of A Child… Whether They Died Or Just Gone to Live Their Own Life. Loss is Loss…

Grieving The Loss Of A Child… Whether They Died Or Just Gone to Live Their Own Life No matter how you slice it, a big change like this, even if it is the best of the child, is a huge trauma for the parent, especially the mother. Most mothers are programmed to care for their young ones, but while they are doing that, they forget to be themselves, forget to rebuild a life of their own, so when the child dies, or leaves, they are left with nothing. I have a student whose children live in other countries, you can’t just offer to drop by, bring some good home-made cooking, or babysit their child while they attend to other things

Fear Of Failure… Another Possible Bottom Belief

Failure, the big deterrent I had a dream most of my life to live in a school and be a perpetual student. I knew it was weird, but I also knew that the best time I have ever had was studying hard in school: being at home was really horrible for me. In 1987 I did The Forum, (Now it is called The Landmark Forum) and there was an exercise in it. The question was: Who are you that you are? Weird question, right