Breakthrough In HOE (Heaven on Earth) Bach Energies Delivery

I had a breakthrough in the delivery method of the Heaven on Earth. I am testing it, and sending out a few samples to test by students. Read more

What is the similarity between Mafia godfathers, drug cartel bosses, Kaddhafi, and some Indian gurus, some billionaire church founders, cult leaders?

The nature of evil, psychic attack, dark energies, greed, envy, anger, hate, the desire to kill What is the similarity with Mafia godfathers, drug cartel bosses, Kaddhafi, (Gaddafi?) and some Indian gurus, some billionaire church founders, cult leaders? Mafia lords or godfathers come from a background of people experiencing themselves powerless against them. Very simple, indeed. They base their rule on extortion and protection rackets, or force, and enslavement of ‘lesser beings.’ They all have, what I would call giving and taking kind of ruling style.

Vibrational Reviews: Abraham-Hicks, Barak Obama, David Cameron, David Wilcock, Marie Diamond, Rikka Zimmerman, Dr. Dain Heer, Meg Benedicte, Richard…

Abraham-Hicks as a program: 300 Barak Obama personal vibration: 280 David Cameron Prime Minister of the United Kingdom personal vibration: 200 David Wilcock (David Wilcock is a professional lecturer, filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science, and new paradigms of matter and energy.) personal vibration: 190 Emotional Freedom Technique – Tapping In General as modality: 210 Marie Diamond: (Creator of Diamond Feng Shui) personal vibration: 200 Meg Benedicte is an Evolutionist, Energy Healer and founder of Unified Field Therapy®, a healing process utilizing the Zero Point energy of the Vortex of. personal vibration: 200. modality: vortex meditation: 190 Rikka Zimmerman (Access Consciousness: 190) personal vibration: 190 Dr. Dain Heer (Access Consciousness) personal vibration: 300 Trivedi Personal Vibratoin (vibration) on 1/21/2012: 300 Richard Bartlett (190) Matrix Energetics (220) Andrew Weil (190)

Adventures of an Empath: Bach Flower Remedies to Bach Energies: a 21st Century Miracle

Adventures of an Empath : Bach Flower Remedies Bach Flower Essences are specially made remedies, aqueous (water based) essences made with fresh water, the sun, and a specific and special flower (for the most part it’s a flower). Edward Bach, who was a medical doctor, was an empath himself, and a very sensitive man. He correctly intuited that emotional disturbances cause all physical illnesses, blockages, and therefore if the blockages are released, the person will be well.

Followup on Inelia Benz and Ascension 101

Followup on Inelia Benz and Ascension 101 I just checked my early post about Inelia Benz , and I realized that I never actually published the vibrational numbers. So here you go, measured a few minutes ago, January 1: Inelia Benz: personal vibration: 295, below the level of Gratitude and Appreciation Her story: 130 Her teaching an ascension: 190, under the level of integrity and courage Just so that you know. Followup on Inelia Benz and Ascension 101 is a post from: Connect To Source: Raise Your Vibration

Is Christie Marie Sheldon A Fraud?

Is Christie Marie Sheldon A Fraud? This question keeps repeating in the searches on my site. The simple answer: I don’t know.

What Is Evil? What Is Dark Side? And What Does It Have To Do With The Tree of Good And Evil?

Sometime in August the Dark Side disappeared. I did it. It was an accident. I intended to destroy the Dark Side, yes, some day, in some special way, but the actual doing it was quite an accident. I was surprised when it happened

3 Coaches, Avoiding Confrontation, What’s Your Filter?

3 Coaches, Avoiding Confrontation, What’s Your Filter? I now have three coaches. Three different people, three different styles, three different world views. the only thing that is common among them is that they represent a world view polar opposite to mine. Why would I hire coaches so different from me

How Can This Simple Exercise Be The Ticket To Happiness? To Achievement? To Passion?

The Famous Color Exercise… It Creates New Capacities In Your Plastic Brain Here is an innocent-sounding exercise that can create new pathways in your plastic brain and enable you to catch stuff that is hidden from your view. You know the stuff that you don’t know that you don’t know… lol If the above sentence doesn’t make sense to you now, don’t fret: it will, by the end of this article…

Why An Activator Cannot Change Your Behavior, Only You Can?

Why An Activator Cannot Change Your Behavior, Only You Can? What happens when you get an activator downloaded to you? Even though the activator (a set of statements that are worded as commands, and are very similar to affirmations) alters the “terrain” or the balance of power in the sub-conscious, those affirmations will not alter your behavior. What will alter your behavior? Well, it is both simple and complicated to alter your behavior