Your accuracy, your comprehension, and other topics, including the Fat Burning Brain

why-your-gut-issues-may-be-a-brain-problemSome of us, some of you deal with issues that step from physical issues.

for example, if your mother got pregnant while undernourished, especially in the 90 essentials, you may have developed a number of so-called genetic diseases… that are not genetic at all. Including dyslexia or some form of cognitive displacement issues.

Dyslexia is a brain issue, where certain specialized brain cells went to the wrong place.

Easier to see with an example: had your hand cells went to the wrong place, you would have a hand grown in the middle of your arm, not at the end of it.

Perfect han

Ignorance in health matters is killing you

granny with flexibility ((No, that amazingly flexible lady isn’t me: I was never that flexible, not even when I was in kindergarten, or ballet)) I don’t know if I have the right to talk about ignorance about health… in this particular area… because I have been ignorant for a long time now, myself.

Before I moved here, where I live now, I used to go to the gym or a personal trainer 2-3 times a week.

In my younger, school years I was an athlete, a gymnast, a swimmer, and in the past 13 years I was counting on the muscles I developed over the years… and… here is the ignorance, I didn’t comprehend that my muscles atrophied.

But… saving grace, I have a community center at the bottom of the hill, and they have a weekly seniors exercise class: to prevent falling…

Haven’t been able to grow? Raise your vibration? Live from your higher self?

1-spiritual-arrogance-pict-1Humans have a dual nature, that is the enemy of growth, enemy of learning, enemy to the survival of the species…

Arrogance and pride…

Arrogance is duality in itself.

It says,
on one hand: I already know. I know. I am beyond that.
on the other hand: OMG, I am so stupid. I make so many mistakes. I better slow down, and not be so sure.

What “it” says it knows? Everything. It knows if it is worth it to listen. It knows if it can. It knows the future, the past, what it means, what it doesn’t mean, what it’s about, what is important and what isn’t.

All the background stuff… the stuff that is largely invisible.