The $100 Loan and Other Distinctions That Raise Your Vibration

Have you just acquired the subject but are unsure how to get the best use out of it? Do you want one but don’t know if it would be the right thing for you? Have a look at the article below. We are sure it will point you in the right direction. Based on our […]

The Heaven on Earth Energy Bundle and Soul Correction

The Heaven on Earth energy bundle and your soul correction The Heaven on Earth energy bundle contains all 38 Bach Energies . As I said it in other articles, the 38 Bach Energies correspond with strong feelings. what are feelings? Feelings are the reaction to a thought, a meaning.

Your life can be expressed and turned around by your two favorite fairy tales. Find the second, the redeeming story, while connected to Source

The two fairy tales that give you your life I am running three developmental courses right now. Developmental courses and personal conversations are: How I inform Source on what needs to get done and what’s in the way of humanity being willing and able to be all they can be; How I test ideas, theories, activators, methods and such; How I find out what people can do, what they can’t do. What they can learn; and what they cannot learn because it is not a skill, it’s a talent, a gift. How I get great ideas for articles, like the idea of the two fairy tales

Are you running on empty?

Are you running on empty ? Yesterday, on the Muscle Testing Workshop one of the students said something, and I started to laugh uncontrollably. I laughed for minutes, it seemed, and could not stop for a long time. I wept more from laughing than most people cry from sadness, lol. I have been observing myself the past two weeks or so, and my joy of life, my satisfaction level, my experience of being alive has been going down steadily with every passing day

Update: What’s happening on How is the ascension project going? Successes, setbacks…

What’s happening on How is the ascension project going? Successes, setbacks… You deserve to know. After all the rest of your life depends on this

How We Raise Your Vibration: Activators explained… again.

Activators explained… again. Activators are specific type of energy submissions. They don’t add anything, they work with what you have. There are two types of activators: positive (adding) downloads: adds something that contributes to your well-being.

Muscle Testing To Raise Your Vibration

Muscle Testing To Raise Your Vibration I have been trying to get the Muscle Testing program ready for sale, but I have had a snag: the emotions list was too long, too cumbersome, and most people would not be able or willing to go through a list of 100 stages… including myself. Even measuring the vibrational level of each feeling didn’t feel right.

How To Activate Gratitude and Appreciation

Gratitude and Appreciation Most people are not able to be grateful for no reason. Or have appreciation for no reason. Just test yourself: is there a because after you say a “thank you,? or ?I appreciate you/this”?

What Is Soul? Is The Soul This Perfect Small Indistructible Ball Of Light?

What is Soul ? I don’t know. Although I know a lot about Soul, I don’t know what Soul is… as much as I don’t know what Source is.

Vibrational Review: Mastery MindFuse, Sasha Xarrian

Vibrational Review: Mastery MindFuse, Sasha Xarrian I met Sasha Xarrian 7-8 years ago at a marketing conference. That was her first look into marketing. She had big hopes to becoming a big guru. I also met his workshop leader son