What Causes Weather Extremes That Kill People? Floods, Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Draught? Cancer, Mental Illness, And Other Incurable Diseases And…

Sophie Benshitta Maven Tweet Why didn’t the world end like the Mayan predicted? The Universe is not exactly a cause and effect phenomenon, it is too complex to detect causality in it. From

Appearences are only skin deep: the truth is hidden deep under the surface

This is from the Kabbalah daily tuneup… very timely, given that we are dealing nowadays with pretenses, deception, lying, and all that fun stuff. Clothes Do


Hello! You are now in the blog where you will find various articles, videos, links and photos that will surely spark your interest. This is a one stop website for all the information that you will need. There is a whole array of resources that are waiting to be discovered. Feel free to carry on […]

Vibrational Review: Star Seed, Walk-in, Indigo children, lightworkers, starseedonline.com, Lavandar, dr Belva, Arielle

Starseedhotline.com A Sacred Circle of Psychic Seers, Metaphysicians, and Master Astrologers specializing in answers and galactic/spiritual guidance for Star Seed, Walk-Ins, etc. Vibration: 200. Why so low?

Vibrational Review: GRAND Master Internasional Reiki Tummo Irmansyah Effendi, "the highest vibration person on the planet"

Irmansyah Effendi review : Personal vibration: 400 (highest possible is 1000) Does he connect to Source? No. a review of one of his students His belief system: vibration: 0 (utter horses-h-i-t) His meditation (smiling, heart): 90 It raises your vibration: no

Vibrational Reviews: Drunvalo Melchizedek, Glenn Morris, Reverend James Robison, Mantak Chia, Mother Teresa,Human Design Institute and more

Drunvalo Melchizedek personal vibration: 220 Drunvalo is the author of four books including The Ancient Secrets of the Flower of Life, Volumes I and II, Living in the Heart and his newest one, Serpent of Light. Truth value of writings: 60 (all made up) Glenn Morris (Umaa Tantra) 1944-2006: Qigong Grandmaster Glenn Morris Ph.D. Personal vibration: 200 Reverend James Robison: personal vibration: 80 Mantak Chia : personal vibration: 200, teachings, theories: 200 quote: “I once saw mantak? bring an Oak tree to orgasm with his Chi, it was amazing” Mother Teresa of Calcutta : did she connect to Source (g-d): no. personal vibration: 300 Peter Ragnar is an internationally renowned health & longevity pioneer

Vibrational Report on the state of the planet: January 2012

Report on the state of the planet dark side: grew to 9% in the last month from 1%. Cause: fear, the result of fearmongering average vibration: 100 dominant emotions: a “holding your breath” type of anxiety that can kill your heart (Aspen), A grab your throat type of fear (Gorse), Fear and lack of confidence in self, if anything bad happens (Mimulus), Looking outside of self for answers and being gullible and swayable (Cerato and Centaury), a general deterioration of vibration and intelligence due to fear. (names in brackets are the Bach Flowers that express best the feeling. You can get a personally muscle tested bach flower remedy for $12.50 sh/h in the US, and $16.50 in other countries. I have been preparing mixes for my students.

Soul Correction: what is it? what if you don’t know it? what if you don’t do it?

Soul Correction: a never ending job… Ever since last June Source and the Soul have been pressuring me to move. Just move… Where to?

Soul Correction: Finish What You Start

Soul Correction: Finish What You Start You find yourself with projects half started, never finished. You find yourself getting enough satisfaction out of buying a self-improvement program, but you don’t actually listen to it or use it. Your self-image is “insignificant.” Maybe even weak, inconsequential, not important.