What is the Truth? And how do you go about deciding it?

Tweet If you’ve been following my vibrational reviews, you’ve probably experienced confusion, fear, anguish seeing that most gurus, most people, in fact, have a low vibration. Vibration is not your energy, or not really. Vibration is a number

Muscle Testing To Raise Your Vibration

Muscle Testing To Raise Your Vibration I have been trying to get the Muscle Testing program ready for sale, but I have had a snag: the emotions list was too long, too cumbersome, and most people would not be able or willing to go through a list of 100 stages… including myself. Even measuring the vibrational level of each feeling didn’t feel right.

Sweep The Floor, Wash The Windows, Vs. Move To A New House Or A New Country… Or The Different Modalities Of Self-Improvement, Self-Development And…

Sweep The Floor, Wash The Windows, Vs. Move To A New House Or A New Country… Or The Different Modalities Of Self-Improvement, Self-Development And Transformation I have been looking at some of my personal sticking points. Addicted to milk, addicted to sugar, avoiding doing the laundry… these are just the tip of the ice berg

Money Grabbing Gurus. Money and Vibration. What Does Source Have To Say About That?

Are gurus in it for the money? Are you just a means for them to get rich? Are the teachers that don’t make any money have a higher vibration? They are surely in it for you, right? Where should you look when you want to decide who to follow?

Case Study: Evolution Modality of Christine Hoeflich

Case Study: Evolution Modality of Christine Hoeflich I have a personal principle that I don’t write about something, don’t criticize something until I immerse myself in it. Of course, I found, I need to have had a very strong core to be able to withstand seductive modalities, seductive teachings. But all in all, summarily rejecting something without examining it is an idiot’s way, and I don’t like to be an idiot.

Your Biggest Pain Is Your Biggest Blessing, or How To Awaken The Soul’s Desire

In this article I will show you how I connected to Soul , and through that connection how I have been able to awaken the desire to connect. As I have said in other articles, desire is necessary to open the spigot of light… Desire opens and closes this spigot, and you can control desire. The biggest issue is to awaken this desire: it is not active in Soul . All the modalities, all the methodologies that talk about soul ‘s desire, try to cause your conscious self’s desire, and that desire doesn’t open the spigot

Comparison Of The Different Healing Modalities, Hypnosis, Visualization, Affirmations, Brain Entrainment, Energy, And Activation

Comparison Of The Different Healing Modalities , Hypnosis, Visualization, Affirmations, Brain Entrainment, Energy, And Activation What is the difference between modalities that try to implant new thoughts, new beliefs or change existing ones? Let me look what are these modalities : 1. Hypnosis 2.