When your successes are temporary and your failures always return… The anchor to doom attachment

1362585031_rachel-weisz-640-300x221The anchor to your doom attachment What gives it away is the implied inevitability. The language. That it’s always, or never. Like I am never going to be successful. Stings. Hurts. My eyes are watering. I scramble to avoid it, … Continue reading

Vibrational Review: BioResonance GOLD PRO Pendant – all statements are false

A reader sent me this product to reviews. She thinks it may be great for empaths…

Website: Geopathic Stress Solutions

I have muscle tested every single statement on this website and found them all false.

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/14016/bioresonance-pendant/

New webinar series: Your concerns act like an anchor…

Sophie Benshitta Maven I am morphing the free webinar series into a more advanced topic. Until now we’ve been looking at your context, we examined what context you