When you look within you find emptiness. Are YOU empty?

If you ever tried to meditate. If you are a ‘meditator’. And if the idea of meditation brings up bile to your throat…

OK who else? Oh, those who couldn’t give a shriveled nut for the idea of mediation… all people…

The only thing meditation wants you is to look within. You spend almost all your life looking outward, and have no idea about what is inside.

Read the original article: When you look within you find emptiness. Are YOU empty?

New healing article on the healing blog

I discuss there three recent healing sessions… I wish I had waited a day… Today we used the entire connection call to heal Maria who is making the rounds from doctor to doctor.

It was an amazing call and very useful. If you would like a listen, you can, but I’ll make you pay for it. Literally. Click here to go to paypal to pay for this recording. Please don’t forget to register onto the site after paying: I’d hate to have to do all the work myself… and all the emailing back and forth.

Read the original article: New healing article on the healing blog

If you need encouragement to become X you’ll never be X

If you need encouragement to become X you’ll never be X
Work sets you free
If you need encouragement to become an entrepreneur you’ll never be an entrepreneur.

Context, of course, is decisive… Arbeit macht frei is true… but…

On the gates of hell, on the gates of Auschwitz, Dachau, Theresianstadt that principle feels like mockery. The slogan: Work sets you free through Crematorium number 3. Sob, sob. Weep, weep.
If you need a reason to work, then you’ll never do work.

Read the original article: If you need encouragement to become X you’ll never be X

How did I suddenly become a fraud? Let’s look!

Soul Correction Soul’s Purpose… are they one and the same?

First off, let me tell you: your soulcorrection is like the middle of your head: you can only see it through a mirror.

When I tell people what is their soulcorrection, they always argue. Because in all their years they have done everything to hide it.

This is what happened today:

your soulcorrection is invisible to youA certain Jamie sent me an email, sarcastic in language, asking if it would b

Sometimes the truth leaks out, without you noticing it.

One great way I have discovered to see the hidden aspects of people that I would not be able to see through my ability as an empath is to get on a video call, but not have my video turned on.

But ask the other to keep their video open.

It is amazing how people don’t experience being seen unless they see you.

I don’t do this often enough. But I should… because of what becomes observable.

Read the original article: Sometimes the truth leaks out, without you noticing it.

The Dark Forces: What They Are, What They Do, How They Pull Your Strings?

I am not sure who the original dark forces are… they have been around for about three thousand years.

They mean business. I mean business for themselves. These are individuals in a close knit clan, dispersed all over the world, spreading mayhem and fishing in troubled waters.

You work for them. If I had a job, I would work for them. The president of the United States work for them. They own all the banks, all the money on Planet Earth.

They pull the strings in this seemingly chaotic world.

Now, one could think: kill them. But that is more of the same. They can do their dirty deeds only because the conscious awareness of people is so low. And it hasn’t grown.

As a civilization we have been reduced to biological robots, and the chances of breaking out of that predicament is slim.

The scenario of the Matrix movie is both true and untrue.

In that movie, your biological piece was used as an energy cell, and only your computer character actually moved, changed location, etc.

In the

Your real self is impervious to attacks, and slights

You have two selves. Everyone has two selves. One is your real self, impervious to attacks, slights.

‘That is not true’, you say. ‘I feel like I am attacked, I feel every slight is an attack on me.’

Yeah, this is all true what you say if you identify yourself with your precious I, the second self.
The precious I is an invented self, and it is the sum total of all your aspects.

Read the original article: Your real self is impervious to attacks, and slights

What does a 1000 see and you don’t? Can you learn to see?

One of the differences is that a 1000 always has a coach or coaches… mentors, people they talk to regularly, who are, in certain respects, ahead of them. People who can see what they can’t see.

See principles, distinctions, aberrations, errors, false steps, causation.

Read the original article: What does a 1000 see and you don’t? Can you learn to see?

Bits and Pieces of Love and more… Personal stuff, love activator

Hidden stuff, suppressed stuff, when it has a chance to spill out, has a tendency to reek (smell bad) and wreak havoc.

I am reading a book that heals by digging out such stuff… it doesn’t stop there, you’ll see.

Anyway, I am reading it, and obviously the mind has a tendency to dig along with the clients, dig along with what you read… no, my mind has the tendency to dig along, after all, I know the value of digging.

So, I must have dug quite a little, because I didn’t want to get up today. Then I had a digging conversation with a friend I wanted to start a business with and decided not to pursue the business. Then I read an email request for a private session outside of my schedule and the s**t hit the fan.

I felt offended, I felt violated, I was irate. After all people should ask for a time slot I have available, not something else… right?

The reaction was off the wall disproportionate to the trigger: after all I know how to say no, right? Baaaah!

Oh ho, somethi