Is ascension an intellectual thing? Spiritual? Physical?

Ascension? I mean going to the next level of evolution, to live in the ‘Promised Land’.

I am talking about looking deeper with the intention to see what is cause, what is effect.

It is both a habit, to look only at the surface of things. But what stops one to look deeper? What is that creates the habit of no curiosity, and therefore no interest in looking deeper.

Some cultures have developed the habit to ask ‘why?’ five times… so they get to the root of things. It is, I hear, a Japanese technique… although I don’t think it is taught in school, though it should be.

Read the original article: Is ascension an intellectual thing? Spiritual? Physical?

I love you but… You are rude on the calls! heaven?

Be Nice! I love you but…
You are rude on the calls, where is the Heaven on Earth that you promise?

From My Mailbox:

I already love you and care for you because i can feel your heart…way big. The challenge is that the ego is still getting in the way of your delivering the Heaven on Earth and your special talents bringing down energy.

Read the original article: I love you but… You are rude on the calls! heaven?

Why would reality change when you use different words?

First off, reality always changes… but from our perspective, this is the correct question to ask:

Why does reality SEEM to change when you use different words?

There is reality, that is, at best, a collective hunch. Even what we do seem to see from reality is just isolated fragments, and we don’t see their connection to the whole. So reality is an unknown, unknowable entity as of now.

So what we call reality isn’t really reality. In fact, depending on the person, it can be as ‘unreality’ as 100%.

Read the original article: Why would reality change when you use different words?

Ode to an exceptional teacher, Robert Plank

I “met” my business/marketing teacher, Robert Plank, 37 years my junior, red-headed punk programmer genius at the time, in early 2009.

I wanted to learn php programming from him, because I didn’t know what I wanted to do in life, so learning programming sounded like a good idea.

I had been learning marketing, mindset, everything and anything… when you don’t know where you are going, every path takes you there… lol.

I remember being on the first webinar with him. I didn’t know I was an empath and I could feel the tension between the two partners like my own, and I was rooting for Robert. He stammered, he talked to fast, he was eager and loved teaching!

I could not learn anything in the first course, nothing in the second course, ditto the third course, but I was coming back.

Then on the fourth course I could do three out of the 10 assignments, and I knew I found a home.

Doing the assignments is both a capacity issue and a mindset issue.

Read the original ar

Some of the ‘gods’ smiled at me this past week.

I was on a health consult call… and I enjoyed it. I felt a lot of permission to be myself.  And as a result I gave the dude more than I normally give, not much worrying how much he gets. I was just in the zone.

And I learn something that can revolutionize what I teach… among other things. I’ll listen to the call and cut out part that I think are revolutionary or new, and either sell them, or just post them, have to hear them again to decide.

It was when the dude (really the client, but I’ll just talk about him as ‘dude’, no disrespect is meant… just lightness.)

So when the dude mentioned that he regularly muscletested I asked him to turn on the eye switch. And when he did, his tangerine spot lit up.

Read the original article: Some of the ‘gods’ smiled at me this past week.

Moses’ Starting Point Measurements

1. your vibration (1-1000): 500
2. your emotional intelligence.: 100
3. the number of spiritual capacities you have: 30
-4. your soul correction (your machine): Forget Thyself
-5. do you have attachments? yes
6. the level of your health: 10%
7. the level of your cell hydration: 10%
8. your relationship to feedback and instruction: wrongful pride… defiant
9. The level of discomfort you are willing to allow w/o trying to fix it. This is your TLB score… 30
10. The size of your your accurate and active language: 70%
11. Your about-me score, also the inverted number of humility: 30%
12. Self-awareness: 30%
13. Ambition: 70%
–14. Desire: 90%
–15. Degree of inauthenticity/pretense self overall: 10%
16. Level of integrity 1-100, the relationship between you and you: 70%
17. how enslaved are you to the Tree of Knowledge? (what percentage of your life is run by memes/untruth?) 10%
18. do you have a bridge between your precious “I”, who you

From inflated self to humbling self. Counterintuitive. Works

‘They’ don’t just talk much about your desire, to whip it up, about your why, and about goals, they also talk an awful lot about your self-image. They want you to create a self-image that is like god… perfect… flawless… blah blah blah.

Oh, and they call it self-esteem.

Esteem or estimating is guessing the value of something. Underestimating, overestimating… But value is not real. It always in the eye of the beholder. It’s not intrinsic to the subject.

They suggest that overestimating your value will be good for you. Bah humbug.

Read the original article: From inflated self to humbling self. Counterintuitive. Works

In preparation for the Switches training: flexible spine

Yesterday I was working one-on-one with a client.

I asked her to stick/push her chest out and she didn’t know what to do.

After watching this video I see that her thoracic spine isn’t flexible enough.

So this is a somewhat disappointing thought, but if someone wants to activate the power, they will need to make their spines more flexible… or they are sh!t out of luck.

Read the original article: In preparation for the Switches training: flexible spine