Worldviews: Tree of Knowledge winning over the Tree of Life?

Your worldview is invisible to you. It’s like the floor you walk on… the foundation of your life.
You need to understand that your dislike of certain people makes you a moron if you also decide that THEREFORE what they say must be stupid…

Or you like how someone looks, and therefore they must be smart. Ugh.

Read the original article: Worldviews: Tree of Knowledge winning over the Tree of Life?

Mellen-Thomas Benedict and rogue souls, also called walk-ins

Mellen-Thomas Benedict and rogue souls, also called walk-ins

personal vibration: 200
teaching/theory/story: 200

So what is the story with this guy? Is he really the same person who died back in 1982 after having been declared dead for an hour and a half? Do you believe that? then I have an oceanfront property for you to buy in Montana! lol

But what could have happened? Well, several things:
1. the guy wasn’t dead
2. the guy isn’t here any more: a walk-in, or rogue soul took its place.

Read the original article: Mellen-Thomas Benedict and rogue souls, also called walk-ins

What do I mean when I say ‘human design’ or ‘the design’?

What am I saying when I say ‘the design of human being’, or when I say ‘humans are designed to be…’?

Where do I look?

The Old Testament, the Five Books of Moses says that God created Adam to his own image.

Trying to reconstruct god from humans is a tricky proposition.

What we would get is a passive, combative, argumentative avoider… who has more common characteristics with sheep than with someone or something that created worlds.

So that direction of thinking is not going to lead us to what the design must be.

Read the original article: What do I mean when I say ‘human design’ or ‘the design’?


There are about 1000 people on the planet who stand out because they have graduated to human being evolutionary level. It reflects in their vibration. It reflects with the number of capacities they use. It reflects in their attitude.

Read the original article: 1000s

Soul correction: another area where we plan to let go of the tree of knowledge

Soul correction: another area where we plan to let go of the tree of knowledge
Tree of Knowledge is the body of guesses humanity has made to make sense of the Universe.

It’s a huge body of knowledge, much of it made up… the mystical knowledge all belongs there. Religion, astrology, numerology, etc.

I, myself, wasn’t very curious about the world. My class mates were: I was pragmatic: I was taking things as they were. That was, in a way, my advantage when I started to delve into the world of the 99%: I had no preconceived notions, pretty much none.

I did like to read my horoscope though, but my attitude about horoscopes was different from the majority’s: I used and still use horoscopes to take me off the beaten path and pay attention to stuff I normally don’t pay attention to.

Read the original article: Soul correction: another area where we plan to let go of the tree of knowledge