You send for a vibrational reading. Your upsights…

You send for a vibrational reading. I send it to you.

Your vibration is 130, your wife’s is 200

You email back: “That’s very strange and looks wrong. Coz we are very wealthy healthy and happy.”

You think that your physical well being, even your so called happiness is any indicator of your spiritual vibration, the level of your consciousness…

No, it’s as if you were looking at the person who looks healthy but has maybe cancer ravage their bodies, or a heart attack waiting to happen.

Consciousness is not skin deep. You are…

The first interesting thing that you want to notice is the huge difference in the vibration of the man and t

Crying: what does it do for you? Expect the unexpected…

When you cry and the crying/sobbing has no content. When you don’t know why you are crying, then something deep is clearing out.

But when you know why you are crying, then some past, some meaning, some opinion gets confirmed and your ego will continue giving you ‘reason’ to cry.

Read the original article: Crying: what does it do for you? Expect the unexpected…

What’s between you and you

About 30 years ago, I didn’t have a car, and I had to beg a ride every time I wanted to go to Landmark to assist.

I spent hours in cars, in conversations I would not have had otherwise.

I talked to people at length that I would never have talked to. It enriched my life.

One of these people, half my age, drove me back and forth every Sunday. We talked a lot. She had a room full of stuff, neatly organized, figurines and such.

Read the original article: What’s between you and you

TLB score

TLB stands for “Twitchy Little Bastards” or alternatively Marshmallow Eater.

Your TLB score (1 to 100) measures how willing and able you are to defer gratification. How well you tolerate the physical and non-physical pain of not acting on an impulse.

Twitchy Little Bastards and Marshmallow eaters amount to less in life, because to amount to anything, you have to learn things that require you to spend time with the unpleasantness or learning, practice, getting good at something that you were originally not good at.

Your chances for a good life, maybe even happiness depend on your TLB score, and it should be your number one priority to increase it.

Most people’s TLB score is 1. High achievers have  TLB scores as high as 30. Mine is 50. I have been training myself for 30 odd years.

Read the original article: TLB score

For the “other” you are the enemy

do you think this is a game?Do you think this is a game?!

In the past five months I have taken all my senses, all my capacities inward, and to sensing and feeling.

The brain plasticity allows you to re-organize what you use to get valid information about your world, and I moved all my available capacities to inner and outer sensation.

You, on the other hand, have moved all your available capacities to the mind, where it intermingles with untruth… but this article is not about that.

Anyway, this morning I was paying attention to the dynamic between the world and me… to the attitudes and feelings of critters around, small and big, and I saw something that shook me up a bit.

14th Floor

The 14th Floor is the Tree of Knowledge, standing in nothing, not rooted in reality, not rooted in correct understanding, made up, imprecise.

It is trying to depict reality accurately, but has a difficult time peeking under the surface, because it lacks the innate capacities that operate through feelings, the 13th floor.

It is a dead end, and is taking humanity to self-annihilation.

Read the original article: 14th Floor

Your relationship to reality, your brain, and your life

Reality has everything it has. And what it doesn’t have isn’t real. It isn’t part of reality. It’s added.

This is the hardest part of reality: understanding that speaking, the observer, populates reality with things that don’t belong, and then turns around and grieves the things it spoke as reality. And the truth.

All suffering comes from this speaking.

Read the original article: Your relationship to reality, your brain, and your life

15th floor

The 15th floor is the meanings, the evaluations, the classifications attached to words.

Could be called mind-virus, but I won’t go there.

Politically correct, politically incorrect, positivity, are all a fallout of this floor… a floor that if designed would have only one purpose: to make life impossible to live.

Things don’t mean anything… all meaning is attached…

This is the floor through which you can be taken to war, through which you can kill babies or force mothers to keep their babies… You are highly manipulable through meanings… because none of them are true, you’ll accept whatever meaning someone else attaches to a word.

Ugly. Suicidal. Holocaust. Mass murder.

Read the original article: 15th floor