What squatters can teach you about life, about you

Why can’t doctors, pharmaceuticals heal cancer?

Cancer is like squatters… they move in when there is no one living there… and then use all the facilities, all they find to wreck the home, like a parasite.

You can kill them, you can burn them, and kill and burn the house/apartment/body with them.

So doctors, similarly, can cut cancer out, they can burn it with chemicals, radiation, but they can’t heal it. Why?
Because cancer is a spiritual disease, not physical in its cause. Just like squatters.

Read the original article: What squatters can teach you about life, about you

All the current methods you use won’t give you what you want

Sometimes I have the good fortune to watch other business people bet on something and not get the result they hoped to get.

Most of the time you have no idea what someone wants… so this is a gift.

Life isn’t a series of winning bets… Life is a series of losing bets that teach you something if you are willing to learn.

Read the original article: All the current methods you use won’t give you what you want

The Majority Is Always Wrong Or How Are Movies Used To Dumb You Down

I am a movie buff.

When I was 19, question #40 was ‘movies’ on my high school final exam (in Hungary). I’d always loved movies but I didn’t think I could talk about movies in general, so the day before the oral exams I read a book by a Hungarian filmmaker on movie making. I pulled question #40 at the orals.

After 40 minutes the 3 examiners said that they loved what I said so much that they would want me to talk more, but there were other students waiting…

That statement made my relationship with movies even stronger.

Read the original article: The Majority Is Always Wrong Or How Are Movies Used To Dumb You Down

I just distinguished something about humility: Humility and growth mindset are synonymous.

Lack of humility and fixed mindset are also synonymous.

From time to time I run experiments where I work with one student beyond what they pay for, to test out a methodology I hope will be instructive and will work for most students.

Most people have a fixed mindset.

What does fixed mindset have to do with skills?

Unfortunately a whole lot. Why unfortunately? Because if you have fixed mindset, you somehow, magically, think that skills are innate and you don’t have to learn them.

But neither knowledge, nor skills are innate: humans were designed to be shaped by their own actions primarily. That means: your genetic heritage counts about 10% of who you are, and 90% comes from environmental influences, including your own efforts, attitudes, and actions.

One will say: bummer. Another will say: thank god.

And both will be right…

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If you have low integrity, your communication has no power

Without integrity you can’t communicate…
You can talk, but your word has no power. It doesn’t get things done.

Communication is making things happen… making what you intend to happen happen.

Communication is having people want to do what you want them to do. Anything less is not communication. It is merely talking.

Read the original article: If you have low integrity, your communication has no power

I have been having suicidal thoughts… What does the echo say?

Sometimes having someone to talk to, someone who can listen, instead of trying to solve your problems, is the best thing that can happen to you.

But there are things that are hard to share.

And then, if you are the one who is supposed to be there for others, no one expects you to have problems, or to be there for you. You are alone, and that is that.

All my life I have been the strong one, and no one ever expected me to need them to listen to me. So when I needed someone to listen, I had to pay them. It’s expensive. And now I don’t even trust anyone to just listen… so it’s tough.

Read the original article: I have been having suicidal thoughts… What does the echo say?

I don’t think you understand how humans are ‘designed’!

You are born with potentials but no skills. Even breathing is a skill you need to learn.

Skills are the atoms of actions. Each action, like a molecule is built of atoms, each activity is made of parts that we call skills. Some actions are complex, others are quite simple… mirroring the diversity of the physical reality.

Atoms are building blocks… If you don’t have atoms, you can’t build anything… If you don’t have skills you can’t build actions. No actions… no success… And no good life.

No food, no money, no paper, no house, no life…
And yet… you are trying to build a life without the building blocks… because… Yeah, why?
Why you don’t have many skills? Why don’t you get busy developing skills… gathering skills? Why don’t you fill your ingredient box, your pantry, your tool box with what you may need for the good life?

Why are you waiting for opportunities to start learning anything? Why are you looking for your life’s purpose before you’d do anything?

Feel your way out of the Matrix, out of the limbo

When I say ‘feeling’, I often include the other perception organs…

The most obviously not ‘mind’ feeling is the physical sensation of pressure, heat, blockage, itches, tickles, nausea, headaches, pain, burning sensation, orgasm, warmth, butterflies in your stomach. When I say ‘feeling’, I don’t mean emotion, even though emotions have feeling-components. For example all 48 Bach Feelings feel in a certain way in a certain part of the body.

But what I mean: the uninterpreted raw sensation, that either comes from the outside or from the body itself.

Read the original article: Feel your way out of the Matrix, out of the limbo