Different types of clairvoyance and other extrasensory

How are you? you ask.

I don’t know. I only know how someone else is feeling… 99% of the time I cannot feel myself. And 99% of the time I don’t know whose feelings I am feeling either.

I am an empath, and a clearsentient

Clairsentience, which means clear sensing, is the ability to feel the present, past or future physical and emotional states of others, without the use of the normal five senses. Psychics who are clairsentient are able to retrieve information from houses, public buildings and outside areas.

I had a boy friend who labeled me clairsensar when I could tell the chiropractor what to do to people who needed help but it wasn’t obvious what to move… I felt it. Clairsensar is not a word, but there is suc

You hope you have high vibration… but what if you don’t know what high vibration is?

I am getting hundreds of requests for Starting Point Measurements. That includes me measuring your vibration… human vibration, vibrational frequency, whatever you call it…

Ultimately there is one thing in common among the emotional responses: disappointment.

A lot of people think that their numbers, their vibration should be higher. Why? Because they are good people. Because they are charitable, kind, nice, don’t kill puppies, and volunteer… whatever b.s. is considered high vibration nowadays.

But the vibration number shows one thing and one thing only: how much your behavior is informed by reality and how much is informed by b.s., rules, myths, ideas, that ignore reality.

And your vibration number is low.

Read the original article: You hope you have high vibration… but what if you don’t know what high vibration is?

Your map of reality and the post-truth world… what is it all about?

I have been pretty dumbfounded lately by my findings. As you know I use muscletesting while connected to Source to glean insights into things…

It has given me the “Forest Whitaker eye” lol.

Here are a few examples:

1. I have already shared that it took me testing 20 pages of Turmeric products to find one that tested yes. Price, label, manufacturer, story didn’t matter… and when I actually bought it and used it, the results were miraculous. Beyond my wildest expectations.But what was wrong with the rest?
2. I had the same experience with Potassium, which I need almost daily… And in the end I bought one that works.What is wrong with the rest of them?
3. Sulphur… edible sulphur, a main component of bones…
4. Egg shells… this was really just out of curiosity: I am making my own egg shell capsules from the eggs I have used.
I am thinking of selling them… what do you think? Best calcium ever, but it’s a lot of wo

All right… Now, how fast can we find this funny?

All right… Now, how fast can we find this funny?

In a Video of Mike Meyers’ about how he creates his characters, he talks about his father who was funnier than him… And this quote is from the father.

This morning as I was playing Freecell to get to the ‘mode’ of wanting to write an article, I noticed something in how I was… playing Freecell.

Read the original article: All right… Now, how fast can we find this funny?

When your vibration drops everything starts to bother you

One of the most harmful words in the English language are I, my, and me.

It is not that they are intrinsically harmful! they are harmful the way we relate to their meaning.

Context is decisive. Sometimes these words (I, my and me) are the context, and sometimes they are heard in a context… confusing? Yeah, context has been confusing to many of my students. But being confused is a very high state: the lowest state a human is “knowing.” Why? Because once you think you know, once you think you have the answer, you stop looking, you stop being present, your mind is running the show, the stupid machine that anyone can hack, and they do, and you wouldn’t even know.

What is the highest state? I am not sure. But I am certain that the “I can see that” is higher than “confused”. I am not at the highest state, or if I am, I have no idea what indicates that state… so let’s not go there, ok?

Read the original article: When your vib

Your success depends on your ACCURATE seeing cause / effect

A disproportionately large percentage of “knowledge” available on the internet is false.

  • Some of it is intentional propaganda.
  • But most of it is the result of wrong world view, false beliefs, Tree of Life undigested stuff, accepted as the truth.

So given the amount of crap, it is you who needs to be a “truth seeker”.

Not “The Truth” but truth…

So let’s see…

I have the measure of your accurate vocabulary in my Starting Point Measurements. It has little to do with actual vocabulary, it is the measure of the accuracy of your world view.

I have said that awareness is the key to succe

How Do I Hear What Source Says? I Want To Hear What Is Offered To Me!


Dear Sophie, all day I am very aware of the tangerine and I reach to connect – I was going to ask you how I address the source, how do I hear? (you know after so much cultural garbage, many people like me are deaf) , can I learn to set aside what i want to hear and hear what is offered to me?

I could just answer with a simple “yes” but there are important things to teach on this occasion:

Let me start with an admission: My middle name should be “20/20 hindsight.”

Read the original article: How Do I Hear What Source Says? I Want To Hear What Is Offered To Me!

If you could buy one program, what should it be?

Why should I bother dealing with your health issues, or your money issues, instead of teaching you how to get enlightened?

Isn’t that a great question? And it makes so much sense… After all there are thousands, hundreds of thousands, who claim to be experts in the health field, your bodily and financial health field… shouldn’t I just leave you to them, and do what only I can do? And just deal with you on the level of self-realization?

I got a glimpse at clarity a few years ago because I myself was dealing with a ‘health’ issue… the mites.

I saw that until the health aspect of my life would be reasonably well, I would have to arrest my own journey, my own enlightenment. Then I a

What is missing that your life is not changing?

What is missing that you aren’t changing? What is missing that your life is not changing?

Missing refers to something not present. There is no ‘missing’ in reality… but in comparison you can see that one scenario it is there, in another it isn’t.

In one action it is, in the other it isn’t. You can see when you put them side by side… which, of course an advanced move, but possible.

So in this article we compare someone who grows, someone who is able to change, and someone who stagnates, doesn’t grow, doesn’t change.

Most people have a real hard time changing, by the way. Changing their minds, mainly.

I connected to two people this morning, both doing their health measurements. One is m