Vocabulary and it’s connection to conscious awareness

We throw about big words, and we pretend that we know them. Even ‘scientists’ only pretend. If they didn’t, they would be explaining, clarifying the words, but they don’t.

In the Starting Point Measurements the vocabulary number is what indicates this. I originally intended to call this clarity, but then I decided that if it refers to words, then maybe it can be instructive.

It hasn’t been.

So this article will be, mostly, about words.

Whenever we say conscious awareness, we are talking about words. No words, no conscious awareness.

Whatever you don’t have words for, whatever you mislabel, whatever you just have feelings or emotions about, no accurate words… are not conscious awareness.

I will add: accurate w

A symbol of restriction is a chimney. And Forrest Gump

The best symbol of restriction is the chimney. And Forrest Gump

They are, I say, the symbol for growth… Only one way… up.

There are nations like a lake, a stream, a river, a puddle, and nations like a chimney. Most nations devolve into a puddle-like environment for the individual. No growth inspired, no growth encouraged, no growth praised.

So if life, what is ‘normal’, the expectations don’t restrict your activities, behaviors, then how can you reach excellence?

Read the original article: A symbol of restriction is a chimney. And Forrest Gump

The Dark Side… What Can You Do About It?

The Dark Side… What is the Dark Side?

What I originally thought the Dark Side was, has, over time, gone through a lot of changes, from the mundane to the sophisticated.

If you look, we have approximately as much information and clarity about the Dark Side as we have about the dark side of the moon… we can’t see it. We know it’s there… but what’s there?

Maybe it is like the flip side of good? Tasty? Fattening? Sexy? Hm… that’s a thought.

Dark Side. Maybe it is Evil, but what is evil? What is wrong with evil? what is wrong with killing, stealing, lying, cheating, poisoning the rivers, lowering the prices below the product’s value, owning all media and giving people what t

What makes Keanu Reeves someone you’d want to learn from?

One of the biggest difficulties in raising your vibration, raising your consciousness, is your vocabulary. Connecting it to your life.

Unless you know what being, how, who words really really really mean, your vibration cannot rise. Your vocabulary makes you not just live in the world, but be OF THE WORLD… i.e. have the consciousness, awareness, attitude and vibration of the world… which is, at this point, has hit an all time low.

So I continue writing about your one thing…
…the one thing that can 10x your results and make everything else easier or not necessary.

Read the original article: What makes Keanu Reeves someone you’d want to learn from?

Two myths that lead you to no success and misery

Most articles just flow out of me… this one just didn’t want to flow.


My guess is that this article may be the most damaging to the current status quo, current success myths that keeps people that follow the common knowledge stuck in their misery.

My second guess is that it’s because I myself am just now going through the process of liberating myself fully from this common knowledge.

With transformation, with success, with raising your vibration, there is no way around hard stuff, only through it.  The shortcut leads through the stuff… Said in another way: the shortcut is not an easy way, it is the hardest, emotionally, existentially, because there is no easy way… so if you were looking for an easy way, please leave now.

Read the original article: Two myths that lead you to no success and misery

Indigestion. Weight gain. Joint pain. Arthritis. Same cause?

Indigestion… Hunger… Weight gain… pain in joints… arthritis…

About four weeks ago I decided that I’d do what I can to make my life more enjoyable.

During the pandemic I packed on about twenty pounds. I stopped walking, and started moaning.

I started to restrict my food intake… signed up to noom. It looked absolutely hopeless.

With as little food intake as 1000 calories a day I was still not shedding an ounce of weight.

‘OK, I’ll be a fat corps’… I said to myself, ‘but while I am still alive, I want to be able to move about without much moaning.’

A year or two ago I bough myself an exercise equipment I had coveted for twenty years. A professional Precor stretchtrainer. I fell in love with it in the gym, but never was willing to swing the thousand bucks it cost.

But it being the pandemic and all… it was an emergency.

And then I used it for a coat rack… lol. For two years.

So when all my calorie restricting efforts failed, I decided to start ex

What is a seeming? And why is it helpful to know?

One type of meme that you honor as the truth is called a seeming.

If you say: It is that way… you describe ‘reality’.

But if you change the saying: ‘It seems to me that…‘ then it turns into a seeming. And makes the world malleable… not as rigid as it was thus far.

Why turn something into a seeming?

Simply saying ‘It seems to me‘ starts turning on the capacity of responsibility.

Responsibility, the way the capacity sees it, is a privilege. It is a way to look at the world where your power is intact, and you have access to it. Access means: you can feel it, you can use it. Power for what? Power to be

What is common, what is different in wanting and intending?

Inversion… distinguishing… a precise approach to life

‘For you everything is the same as everything else, except that not always.’ The booming voice started outside of the auditorium… and then walked through the door… but kept yelling.

It was scary. It was exciting. And it made no sense.

Read the original article: What is common, what is different in wanting and intending?

The One thing: The who, the how, and the role of rest?

While context is decisive, the One thing, the way I teach it is as decisive regarding your life as context.

This is how it works:
Let’s say you invent for yourself and for your life to be consistent. That is your One Thing.
And then you use that one thing to do the same things you’ve been doing, but now you do them differently.

You become consistent in lying, pretending, self-concern… or doing only the easy things that make absolutely no difference for Life, for others, for you.

So you see, context is still missing. Because if you force your one thing to work in your default context, it won’t make your life 10x better.

I know, I know, the book doesn’t say that. I haven’t said that… but here I am, observing five people who did just what I am describing here…

And I can see that unless they design their context also for that 10x growth, it won’t happen.

So using ‘consistency’, the how… again.
What kind of context would pair with that to cause a 10x growth.