Long term memory…

Connecting the dots… Cognitive performance… Cognitive activity… what am I talking about?

Cognition, according to the dictionary is “the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.” Acquiring knowledge means: it stays… NOT merely understanding. You’ll see why later in this article.

As clients get better results nowadays, I am now really motivated to get better myself, to be able to help them get even better results.

So I read more books, watch more relevant videos, have extra conversations to home in on what isn’t working as well yet as I hoped it would, and what would.

How do I learn?

Before I continue, let me

Connect the dots

That only after you're there, can you then connect the dots. You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.More on connecting the dots…

We all want to know where we are doing, what we are going to do there, we want to make sure we’ll be happy there.

What business to start. What book to read. What to get curious in.

But here is the problem: dots can only be connected backwards. There have to be dots! And forward there are no dots.

This is why almost all grand strategies are bound to fail or become a

How high can you go from where you are?

I monitor visitor behavior on my site… to see how they treat my articles… I spend a few minutes a week, in the morning. It often gives me an idea of what to write about, what to teach next.

This article is a result of that few minutes of looking today.

Oh, I mostly look at people who signed up to get an email notification each time I publish a new article… by the way. Those people have expressed interest, so I want to see what people who say “I am interested” are doing.

There are two kinds of “readers” that I have detected.

  • The first kind reads the whole article, reads the footnotes, and then returns later and reads the article again.
  • The second kind skims the articles. Skims 2

Fix Broken Sh!t First… AKA: remove what is broken

Fix Broken Sh!t First; I got an email with that title this morning, so I am using it. This is the perfect title for this article…

You see, human nature is weird… It tries to fix everything by throwing stuff at it making it more broken. Add stuff…

When you have indigestion, or when you are sick, or when you are tired… You want to put food on it. You buy stuff… You throw sex on it. Coffee on it. Complaining on it. The kitchen sink on it.

I have noticed that anything anyone says about you or your stuff triggers a self-protection mechanism, as if you have anything about you that is not perfect means you are wrong, or don’t deserve to live, or maybe deserve to die.

Totally out of proportion reaction to the

Bored, listless, desirous… check your biology

Since it got really cold in Syracuse, NY, I have been having a difficult time maintaining a high level of cell hydration. Why? I keep my apartment cold, [note]50-52 degrees Fahrenheit, 10-11 degrees Celsius[/note] and I get sore throat from drinking cold water.

By last night I was running on empty. I had a hard time concentrating, I had a hard time having a good time. I had cravings… not food… mental craving. I had cravings for stories.

Last night I had wild and slightly violent dreams, and felt no desire to do any work this morning. I got up at 3 am.

So for the past three and a half hours I have been watching youtube videos…

Not funny cat videos, but videos that have a chance to be both interestin