Emotions to the intellect are like plaque for the arteries

emotionally innocent…and if that is so, the job is to wipe away the intellectual plaque… emotions

I had a very unique experience on Thursday. I was on a coaching call. I shared one of difficulties with my business.

The coach: vibration 220, IQ: 130, spent 40 minutes, talking back and forth. He taught something that I had never heard, a way of business that I could not even fathom, and it was amazing. I immediately saw how I can use it, how I have been making mistakes not knowing what he was teaching.

It was a zoom call with everyone on camera, and I could ob

What holds you back in life?

what-holds-you-back-2We are having a sticking point in my classes [note]Carrot and Stick[/note] : people seem to be understanding what there is to understand while they are in class, but completely forget it, and never use it. By the time the next class rolls around, it is all gone, forgotten.

Last night I gave a homework to every person: come back next session and tell me, prove it to me, whether I am a good teacher or a bad teacher.

It’s a risky move, because given the results, not much, it is predictable that people will go to one or all of the following places:

  1. What is wrong with me that I want it and yet I am not understanding, not following through, I am nasty, I am slow, I am resista

Are you a seeker? I have news for you… Seekers don’t…

seekers don't findFirst off: whatever you chase, runs from you… so stop chasing… Start finding.

Second: Do you have The right vehicle, the right timing, and the right you?

You may have found it all… and yet… nothing is happening.

And here it is why

‘It’s the start that stops most people’.

‘It’s the start that stops most people’.

‘It’s the start that stops most people’.

That’s it

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What nobody told you about changing what you get…

can you change your life with self-talk?Is it really true that no amount of talk therapy, self-talk, mindfulness, meditation, no amount of tapping, hypnosis, shock therapy can change what you get? That Landmark Education produces the same meager results as Tony Robbins, or any other known or unknown entity, claiming to transform your life?

Can you do what Gandhi taught? BE the change you want in the world? He couldn’t either!

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Quotes about change

107 Quotes About Change to Help You Get Through Anything

Change happens. The only thing that is promised in life is change… and death and taxes if you ask Ben Franklin. Change can be a great thing. It propelled Barack Obama to the highest office in the land and it can also buy you a soda from the break room. These quotes about change will help you embrace change, see the beauty in the ‘new’ and help you stay positive when change hurts.

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Want compassion: is it available to you? It isn’t

can you have compassion?Compassion: you can’t ask for it, you can’t teach it. Do-good-ing and pity masquerade as compassion.

You want to be treated by others as a  person, you want to be treated fairly… but in vain…

Compassion is only possible if you can fully place yourself into the other person’s shoes and see that if you had the same gender, the same upbringing, the same history, you would be feeling and doing the exact same things that other person feels and does.

To be able to have compassion for another, you have to consider yourself a person, and you need to have compassion for yourself… See all the past and see that how you are and what you do is an of course… a consequ

Don’t you just hate it when you find out that you’re wrong?

when you find out that you were wrongI am working on this whole Vine phenomenon… that has been encouraged for the past two years very visibly… the energy of either you or me… and I will not change my mind…

The energy of ‘my way or the highway’, the energy of the Oracle that is always right, the despot, the authoritarian, the fascist, the dogmatic, the self-righteous that used to be occasional but now is the norm.

The energy of the villain…

The end of cohesion, cooperation, community, the end even of family.

The whole world, all of life, reduced to black or white, this or that, right or wrong, my way or your way, the beautiful or the ugly.

Systemic view of everythin

The Empath’s theory of what went wrong 7,000 years ago

theory that we live in a computer simulationWarning: this article is a likely story. A theory. A theory to explain something that doesn’t make sense…

So consume it with a grain of salt. But it’s not fake news… so don’t reject it without reading…

It’s about the current state of humanity, where humanity as a whole is on a dead end, not where the ‘original design’ clearly destined it…

The Original Design is spelled out in the DNA. The blueprint. The tools and the path to take.

Humanity go

Happiness? Unhappiness? What is underneath of it all?

happiness unhappinessI am going to go off on the Bach energy Vine… yet again. Are you unhappy yet?

But before I do that, let me bore you a little more… and do a little vocabulary lesson.

If you get it, your chances for happiness increase ten-fold. If you don’t… ahem… you know what will happen.

The word occur or occurrence… is misused in the English language… It does NOT mean: happen. Happen is another word…

Occur means: present itself TO someone.

Lots of things can happen, but a lot fewer occur… i.e. the tree falling in the forest happens, but it only occurs if there is an observer.

What is your PEP and why you may not have much?

your PEPI watched Dodgeball the movie yesterday.

I am watching The School or Rock today…

…and I had a huge realization… It has been hiding under the surface…

I had never seen this movie, and I didn’t think much of it, but today I am watching it, and I am looking at it from two unique vantage points: the students’ and the other teachers’.

And both: I can relate to.

As a child and young adult I played in a band, I sang in a band, I performed pantomime, I played my guitar on stage…

Most of my classmates were only doing their school and homework bit… they were boring, and I didn’t fit in.

But when it comes to life: nothing beats having diverse experiences. nothing beats having an ex