The Capacity Of Having: The Highest And Most Important Capacities Of All

buddha had the capacity of having, the capacity of allowingThis article will leave you disbelieving that I know you at all… after all you think you know yourself.

But if you allow me to crack the dense bubble you live in, just a little bit, and show you how exercising this capacity will change your life to the better, maybe, and just maybe, you will allow me to get the work done with you…

Why would you resist? Because we all think of having stuff, having love, having capacities, having everything, but we have no idea what having is. But having is possessing, and not doing… and therein lies the mischief.

In working out for myself why people would not want the high vibration capacities of the DNA upgrade, I have come to an interest

Want confidence, want your life to change? Here is a simple way to do it…

every speaking is committingAll speaking is committing. All speaking. Even if it is inside your head, and only you can hear it. Not even… especially those speakings you speak to yourself are committing.

How many of those speakings have you fulfilled upon? Next to none, I guess…

If you had a team that is committed to fulfilling every wish, ever commitment you have, they only need you to act… would that team look at you today and say that you are full of crap? Given that your word has no power? That you don’t mean half of what you say?

So, what has it cost you that you are like that?

No excuse will make it easier or lighter, or less costly.

I know you didn’t know it. I know that every time you see something ad

Existential Courage, taking risks, and what will be the most important turning point in your life

One of the most important things I have ever done in my life is find out what really holds me back from taking risks.

After all, if you want to grow, as a person, as a business, you need to take risks: all power comes from going out of your comfort zone, and it’s a risk.

The kind of risk that causes you to grow is the kind of risk you need existential courage to face.

The other risk, existential risk, is annihilation of your physical body, but the kind of risk that causes growth is the kind that threatens to annihilate your self-image, your persona, to make you look bad, be wrong, be less than you desire to be.

So you can see, you have that kind of risk every step of the way, while the other, existential

We are not in Kansas anymore…

we are not in Kansas anymore. the business climate is changingThis article is about how you need to change so your business can be more successful in this new economy, this new business climate.

I am muddling through to see what what I saw this past Thursday will mean to me… what new actions, what new thinking, what new everything it might mean.

Why? What happened on Thursday?

As you know, I am in a coaching program with some 80 other people who have a business or want to have a business…

It’s not cheap. It has sessions with different coaches every weekday. I attend two of those… the rest, if I am interested, I watch the replay.

It seems, from the questions, that one of the issues every business deals with, or should, is this….

….the business scene has been rapidly and

How Self-Awareness is the Key to Happiness, Effectiveness, Intelligent Decisions… The Sideways View

Note: I could not find any pictures that would illustrate this principle or distinction, sorry. The illustrations are for simple self-awareness, or self-delusion, but they are funny… so enjoy. Sophie

self-awareness-2I thought I was going to have a domestic day, you know laundry, dishes, stuff… and watch myself, my emotions, and have a good old time.

It’s Saturday, and the weather is gorgeous. My neighborhood is even prettier in the fall than in the summer: you can see far and the contrast of the blue sky and the rusty color of the leaves is really beautiful.

The thought: “I could actually be happy” cured and hung in there for a few minutes. I made myself a nice cup of tea, and checked my email.

There was a note t

The desire to lord over others vs. the desire to lord over oneself. Updated

The biggest problem with humanity is the unwillingness to face the truth, face darkness, and that is the cause of humanity’s descent to darkness. False security, unsuspecting, childlike, sheep.

I am not a time traveler, so I can only use my faculties to know, to recognize, to think logically, to compare… to intuit the truth about the past and therefore the present.

My finding is that humans, whatever DNA group they belong to, would never have evolved to the peak of consciousness in the Universe, if they didn’t always have that tiny little bit of inner light setting them right in the last moment.

Through ages of slaughter, and hunger, and misery, and hope and dividedness, somehow they always found a way to survive and to grow.

According to findings, my fantasies (I call them fantasies because I have no proof positive that it actually happened, though a lot of facts point in the same direction) humanity has had four previous generations that were born, grew, and annihilated

Saxifraga vs. Flash in the pan results. The memory of transformation isn’t

the opposite of flash in the pan, the rock breakerOne of my pet peeves, one of my biggest complains, one of my unsolvable conundrums has been the issue of “flash in the pan results.” [note]FLASH IN THE PAN
1. A Project, person etc that enjoys only short lived success.
2. Something which disappoints by failing to deliver anything of value, despite a showy beginning
This originally had a literal meaning, i.e. a real flash in a real pan. Muskets used to have small pans to hold the gunpowder charge. An attempt to fire the musket in which the gunpowder flared up without firing a bullet would be called a ‘flash in the pan’.
origin, The term is known since the late 17th century. Elkanah Settle, in Reflections on several of Mr. Dryden’s plays

Choices: who is making your choices?

choices-3Life is full of choices. We, for the most part, don’t see that we are choosing because the chooser is the mind, is habit, is societal right and wrong, and we don’t get to experience the fact that every time we choose something we say yes to something and no to everything else.

For example, when you choose to always take the long road, when you choose to move slowly and hesitantly, or alternatively being in a hurry, haste… (your typical life, wouldn’t you say?) you choose to fill your life with stuff that doesn’t contribute to you… you are just wasting time. [note]I encounter that every Tuesday on my errands day with the woman who drives me.[/note] Or when you choose to wait till the last minute to do the homework that is observing this

An interesting recording from 2012… why does your life feel empty?

As I am teaching the invisible dynamics, I go every day and dig up older recordings…

This one is brilliant. It deals with the complaint activated dynamic, called racket. But the racket in this recording is “special”… it points to why your life is so empty, and why, it seems, nothing that you do fills it up with life…


Didn’t get the DNA upgrade? Don’t fret, it may not be final… you just need to do some work first

I have been observing people for about 23 years. Before that I had my head up my arse… and I wouldn’t have seen anything had I looked: I was so busy trying to get to a place where I can stand on my two feet and look. [note]Interestingly, on January 1, 1988 I declared that my life won’t be about my life, it will be about others… and predictably I had the worst six-seven months following that declaration. Similarly in 1997 I declared that I was going to be well (healthwise) so I can make a difference in the world… and there followed a six year long bout with extreme health issues: surgeries, massive brain damage… but I came out of it healthy and ready. So don’t expect a smooth ride, and don’t expect that you won’t have to work for what you want. Nothing is free in this universe, nothing is handed to you.[/note]

Until that point I was trying to make a living in a job I didn’t like, I was trying to survive in a country that didn’t welcome me, I was trying to be accepted in an or