Rob Brezsny’s horoscope as a viable context for spiritual practice and big picture being

how to see the world like van goghOne excellent use of Rob Brezsny’s weekly horoscopes is to set a context for the week. The context that he recommends is always outside of the ordinary for you, and therefore it will have the potential to dig into the beyond, where all the power you lack and want comes from.

This is my horoscope for this week…

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): “This morning I walked to the place where the street-cleaners dump the rubbish,” wrote painter Vincent van Gogh in one his letters. “My God, it was beautiful.” Was he being ironic or sarcastic? Not at all. He was sincere. As an artist, he had trained himself to be intrigued by scenes that other people dismissed as ugly or irr

Our moral code was born out of “tradition”… Here is how it’s done…

monkey-grinningHere is a very apt analogy how it works:

The monkeys and the banana

Start with a cage containing five monkeys.

Inside the cage, hang a banana on a string and place a set of stairs under it. Before long, a monkey will go to the stairs and start to climb towards the banana. As soon as he touches the stairs, spray all of the other monkeys with cold water.

After a while, another monkey makes an attempt with the same result – all the other monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon, when another monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to prevent it.

Now, put away the cold water. Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one. The new monkey sees the banana and wants to climb the stairs. To his surprise and horror, all of the other monkeys attack

Are you a lump of coal dreaming itself a diamond?

Karl Marx, the author of Communist Manifesto and the whole ideology of socialism and communism, where there is forced equality, said:

Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people

Religion was constructed by people to calm uncertainty over their role in the universe and in society.

I can see that.
Next click to read the rest of the story

Read the original article: Are you a lump of coal dreaming itself a diamond?

The invisible difference between a producer and you… is in the how dimension of life

The secret of producers in the invisible (both to you and them!) dimension. They do something differently from you… and they don’t even know it. I am an empath… and I feel what you do, and I feel what they do… I feel your how…

One area where the two how’s are strikingly different is your self-image. This is crucial… by the way. So please pay attention.

I won’t charge you a million dollars, even though it would be worth it.

You are who you are, the many different characteristics that describe what you do, how you feel, what you go for, and what you shun… are all a result of decisions you made when you were upset, in trouble, and when your brain misbehaved.

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There is a vast difference between smart and intelligent…

There is a vast difference between smart and intelligent… [note]

Difference between Intelligent and Smart

Key Difference: Intelligence is the quality of a being to be well informed and be smart in all the activities. On the other hand, a smart person is one who is clever and quick in thought and action.

Intelligent and Smart are considered synonyms. Most of the times, the terms are used interchangeably. However, there is a difference between the meaning and the use of these words.Intelligence is something that you learn. Intelligence is what one can improve by studies, reasoning, and understanding. It can only be developed from childhood. No one is born intelligent, one needs

Stuff I want you to see: The Guru Myth, Its Destructive Power and A Cure.

Sophie’s notes: I do not necessarily agree with a lot what’s written in this article, yet it’s a good piece of writing, and I want you to read it.

I will add some notes when I have time… And some vibrational measurements of the people he mentions… Patience, it’s coming.
The Guru Myth, Its Destructive Power and A Cure. (Now w/Videos!)

Via Julian Walker on Feb 28, 2012

The Word and The Myth.
The word “guru” has taken on a life of its own in Western pop culture. The media and advertising talk about “stock gurus,” “marketing gurus,” sports gurus” and on and on – the characterization being someone who has a particular insight into their chosen field and is trusted by others as being able to solve certain problems or provide a highly effective strategy on how to be successful.

We know of course that the word originates in India and simply means “teacher.” In India one’s schoolteacher, dance instructor, parent – really anyone in an authoritative or instructive role might be c

Inner Authority… What is it? A superpower?

Inner Authority is superpowerInner Authority… What is it? A superpower?

Or is it fake certainty? Is it even something that can be taught? Activated?

In this article I’ll give you a few ways Inner Authority can work, and Inner Authority could change your life… if you had it.


You have it… but it is like a superpower that you don’t even know you have, because no one has taught you how to use it.

Inner Authority is, overall, an experience, an experience of what you feel without it being made foggy or false by words.

It is wordless.

But all you have been experiencing is the words… so you, currently have no access to the superpower.

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More Vibrational Reviews: Carolyn Cooper, Mas Sajady, 9D Clearing, Aaron Murakami, Fred Alan Wolf, James Allen, Amy Flynn

When you can’t do your own thinking you come to the “expert”. It’s OK, but this is how you live your life… you may want to do some of your own thinking… If you “believe” me you’ll believe anyone.

Here is a new batch of vibrational reviews, all requested by readers of this blog.

Carolyn CooperCarolyn Cooper has what she calls the Simply Healed Method
Carolyn Cooper personal vibration: 180; her method: 170; my personal take on it: it is a hodge podge of bs.
Mas SajadyMas Sajady: Session with Success Energizer. Personal vibration: 200; Method: 170. Did he have a near death experience: no. Probably charismatic and people believe him. But he is just an operator.

Can You Learn Remote Viewing, See Energies, See Auras, Get Guidance? Seeing things that you can’t see?

learn remote viewingThere is gold in them hills… Remote viewing, guidance, energies…

People are fascinated with remote viewing. They want to learn remote viewing to see ahead in time, and they want to see stuff that they are not supposed to see, or can’t see.

I think that people have a thousand and one reasons, so they buy these courses, to learn remote viewing.

A friend of mine also bought two learn remote viewing courses, and I have borrowed them. I didn’t think it possible, but I managed to see the stuff that I wanted to see. He could not.

This was a year or two ago, and it has always bothered me why one person would see someth

What’s the difference between homo sapiens and human being?

from homo sapiens to human beingSurprisingly the difference between homo sapiens and human being is in one and only one thing… and it is not a yes/no issue, nor a succeed or fail issue, it is a question of degrees.

How someone answers and then executes the answer to this question will depend on one and one one thing. Here is the question: Life itself is empty and meaning-free… What are you going to fill it with?

So you want to get a great life. You want to make a difference. You want to matter. You want to feel good about yourself. Some of you want to become Expanding Human Beings. Some of you want to become producers. Some of you want to become loving.

There is just a little problem with w

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