How do I decide what to write about?

how do i decide what to write about?Before I answer that question, I want to look at something closely related, but something I have only seen addressed one single time. And that is: how to be in a conversation where you listen in such a way, that everything you say will be delightful for to the other… where you are in a gentle and pleasant dance… instead of how you are now: separate, all about yourself… never dancing, never really having an experience of belonging to the human race, or even to that particular conversation. Wanting to win, wanting to dominate, wanting to be right, look good, etc.

And as a result you now have a life that you don’t belong with the closest people, family, lovers,

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Thanks & Regards,

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Self-awareness… is something tainting the water?

I get my inspiration where I can get it… so this article was inspired by a short article on Medium…

1. Two young fish are swimming in the lake and they pass by an older fish that is swimming the opposite way. The older fish nods at them in greeting, and says, “Morning, boys. How is the water?” The two young fish swim on for a while, then one of them looks over at the other and asks ‘What the hell is water?’

OK, that is one story about water… and self-awareness.

2. The second story comes from a book I haven’t read and probably won’t. But the question is fascinating:

Why doesn’t water taste like anything?

According to psychophysicist Mark Changizi, water tastes like

What to do if you are part of the 70% of humanity who are…

What are good questions to ask of me? tons, actually, but here are a few I just thought off looking at some of the pictures customers send me:

  • What is the cause of the bumps/blemishes on my face?
  • What is the cause of my bad breath?
  • What is the reason I have plaque on my teeth? In my arteries? In my brain?

And the question I want to talk about today is:

Why do you test yes for the Bach energy “#42 No matter what I do: lying to get away with not doing, not giving, with stinginess. A big middle finger to the world. I won’t give you wood, even if you give me heat. haha.”?

Excellent question. I’ll endeavor to ex

Activating Spiritual Capacities

There are 160 spiritual capacities, and these are just some of the ones you can ask for.

When you ask for the activation of a capacity, I’ll test if your ego is willing to accept it, and if you are willing to do the work to keep it on.

If the muscle test says “no”, there are two option:

  1. I refund your money
  2. I suggest another capacity that is a better match and your ego is willing and able to nurture it.

If you’d like to know what capacity matches best where you are and what you have, you can come to a “diagnostic” workshop“, or if there are none scheduled, you can ask for a 1-on-1 session to ask me to help you find the “next” capacity you need.

Please email me for an appointment. I will send you a payment link if I accept your request.

I have been noticing a strong reluctance of people to find out the truth about themselves.

self defeating attitudeI have been noticing a strong reluctance of people to find out the truth about themselves.

When they do, they are relieved… so it is before… when they don’t know what’s wrong with them.

There is, there are signals that you are not in perfect alignment with who you would need to be to be happy, to be fulfilled, to be healthy, vigorous, the world is my oyster kind of guy or gal.

And you hate it, because it niggles away on you, like the thought of getting a C diagnosis from a doctor, the diagnosis of almost certain death.

So you procrastinate.

But I have good news for you: 99.99% of what is wrong with you, what is not in alignment, is covered by some energy Dr

Communication: Access to Power… Create with your WORD

my word is my bondWe had our last What’s Missing workshop for the season yesterday.

What a learning experience it was! Again.

I found out that unbeknownst to me I was still hesitant to believe that I am going to live, that I am not on borrowed time, that if I save money, I’ll have a chance to use it.

This, under the conscious awareness issue has been running my life for 72 years… I have never been able to save any real money… and now I see why. It is time to begin to manage this… so I can actually buy a car, now that I can drive again.

Teaching? Are you sure you taught?

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