More Bach Energies discovered…

Oy… I didn’t intend this…

As I was muscle testing the Bach Profiles for my students, I ran into a snag: the “no matter what I do” attitude/feeling doesn’t have a matching Bach energy… yet.

Source “says”, no such flower. So I’ll break tradition, and I’ll call it what it is, “no matter what I do”

Now, that statement is, of course, a lie.

Why would anyone lie about that? It is because they don’t want to do what they claim they are doing… Do the work. In that regard it is similar to the “being imposed on” feeling, but it is really a strategy to avoid giving… giving anything. So what is underneath is stingy. And a big “f… you”

I can download it individually, and it is now part of the H

Astute, accurate diagnosis is 90% of success in any area of life

bach flower remedy bottlesI am working on the overwhelmingly too many foodlist orders I received in the last two days of June.

This triggered a feeling I don’t often feel any more: feeling imposed upon.

Doing things I don’t want to do. It is the energy of the Elm… a Bach energy®. “Don’t tell me what to do” reluctance, maybe even belligerence. A very forceful, suffocating, brittle energy. In fact, it’s worse than actually doing the darn thing…

What is underneath is a desire to win every time. Damn the torpedoes… lol.

Not very good for business. And no matter how hard on my hands to do so many food lists… More than a thousand muscle test each… I said I would do it… so now go do it, dammit. lol.

I didn

How to make coherent water in four simple steps?

Preamble: When your cells have no energy… your body is weak, or gets sick, or dies.

Aging is largely a symptom of your cells drying out. Why? Because the water you drink cannot, will not get into the cells beyond what the cells allow it to… And in essence, the cell only allows coherent water into it.

Coherent water comes from live cells from another live thing… or you need to make it. Most of us don’t eat enough live things to provide enough coherent water for our cells.

Want your drinking water to raise your cell hydration, rejuvenate you and heal you? Here is how to make it.

Cells, largely, refuse to allow water inside unless the water is compatible with Lif

Who are you that you are? Can you count on yourself to be winning in life today?

the light at the end of the tunnelQuestions, ordinary questions make you look for an answer. An answer that shuts down the looking.

Other questions, like the question in the title make you look… But the answer… oh, the answer creates an even bigger opening… it is like the abyss opened up in front of your feet… Fill your heart with dread.

And that is what was the purpose of the question… to open up the abyss…

Your self-view today is a tricky thing to predict. It will grow out of your seed level: of who you are that you are, whether you can count on yourself to be winning at life today, and other questions, very similar to the one in the title. All designed to confront you, to arrest you,