Happiness, the good life, lies on the other side of a paradigm shift

One of the most telling measurements in my Starting Point Measurements is the number of spiritual capacities you have active in your DNA.

The world, humanity’s average score on that measurement is 0.4. My students’ is 0.6.

Why is that a telling measurement, Sophie? you should ask, but you don’t. ((You don’t ask, because the word “spiritual” misleads you… and because you feel that you, for certain, are above average. So you don’t push it… You are like dog sh*t, hiding in the tall grass, hoping no one will step into you, and you won’t be found out

The invisible difference between a producer and you… it is in the how dimension of life

The secret of producers in the invisible (both to you and them!) dimension. They do something differently from you… and they don’t even know it. I am an empath… and I feel what you do, and I feel what they do… I feel your how…

One area where the two how’s are strikingly different is your self-image. This is crucial… by the way. So please pay attention.

I won’t charge you a million dollars, even though it would be worth it.

You are who you are, the many different characteristics that describe what you do, how you feel, what you go for, and what you shun… are all a result of decisions you made when you were upset, in trouble, and when your brain misbehaved.

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How do you block the flow?

Some questions come up again and again… especially for readers of my articles.

One of them goes like this: how come someone with a vibration and consciousness much lower than mine can make so much more money than I do?

Or, for me, how come I sometimes make money, other times I don’t? What about me that changes from one time to another?

These are very important questions to answer. For each and every one of us wants to get the most we can get, if we can get it… right?

A big chunk of the answer comes with our soul correction. Another big chunks is answered in your Starting Point Measurements.

After all all those starting point measurements, and all your soul correction is about that: how you don’t get all you

You cannot solve a problem that is not real

We all have moments of brilliance and hours of stupidity, or some version of “not brilliant”

Some people take it in stride… this is how it is, no matter who you are. Einstein had moments of brilliance… and hours, days of stupidity too.

If life were not like that, brilliant/stupid alternating, there would be no life on the planet… we would all die of exhaustion.

Brilliance is not the only “peak experience” we all crave and wand to keep around all the time. So we are with pretty, and nice, and helpful, and all the other made up “solutions” to our failings… And, as I have said before, every solution is the beginning of a bigger problem.

I got raped because I was stupid, I said.

So the solution was to ge

Invisible Dynamic: Undeclared commitments: what is under the hood

My horoscope often tells me what I should be dealing with, either for myself, or for you and me.

This is the horoscope I received in my email box today, from Rob Brezsny:

If you were a snake, it would be a fine time to molt your skin. If you were a river, it would be a perfect moment to overflow your banks in a spring flood. If you were an office worker, it would be an excellent phase to trade in your claustrophobic cubicle for a spacious new niche. In other words, you are primed to outgrow at least one of your containers. The boundaries you knew you would have to transgress (step over the boundary, infringe or go beyond the bounds of) some day are finally ready to be transgressed. Even now, your at

Hey, when you are BEING a knucklehead does it mean you ARE a knucklehead?

Hey, when you are BEING a knucklehead… does it mean you ARE a knucklehead?

Or you are just doing the only exercise most people do: jumping into conclusions.

Listen if you can recognize yourself in this story:

A lot of my clients find themselves in a trap…

For example, they make a mistake. They are frustrated. Or they are scared. Or they are angry. Or they are devastated. Even suicidal.

They say to themselves: Here I g

The role of consolidating in the learning process is a lot like habit forming

habit stacking, knowledge buildingAs I said in previous articles, you may do a lot of actions consistent with learning, that look like learning, and yet what you attempted to learn doesn’t become knowledge.

It becomes knowledge, accurate or inaccurate, when it moves into long term memory, where all the knowledge particles are now connected. By long term memory I don’t mean your mind. Your mind is something entirely different, no action comes from the mind… the mind is like Grand Central Station: who knows who is in charge? Surely not you…

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Growth is an epigenetic shift… The first phase is plugging the leaks

Genetics is hardware. Epigenetics is software. Loosely speaking.

Capacities, in the DNA, can be expressed, switched on or switched off.

When you change, you do more than just surface changes: in effect you change how the DNA, capacities, etc. get switched on or switched off… you are creating epigenetic changes. And not just physical, the aspect “science” is talking about, but the whole person. Not just fat/skinny health conscious, life-unconscious aspect… but really the whole intelligent person who you are or… ahem… not.

The first phase of growth is to plug the leaks of energy, life force, glycogen, time, working memory… eliminate the mistakes, sloppiness, etc.

I am currently working on c

How The Unconditional Love Activator Changed My life from Hated to Loved

How I found myself loved, respected, and maybe even revered… a tale of extraordinary transformation, from hated smart know-it-all to loved

I used to be smart. At all cost. In fact smarter, that would be more precise to say. Smarter than you, him, them… 😉

You see, it almost didn’t matter whether I was happy, rich, pretty, healthy, as long as I could be smarter than you.

Most people hated me, and I had few if any friends.

Since my vibration rose to where it’s at today, I have had no issues, people actually like me, most of them anyway.

Recently I had a curious phenomenon happening to me.

I have shared that I am taking a class. We are sorted into groups, and the group meets every week. My previous experience