Guaranteed to make you feel happy: It’s all in a day’s work

It’s all in a day’s work

Of all the things I have ever said to myself, this is the most potent saying.

It has saved me from suffering, it has saved me from all the nasty feelings that plague humans nowadays: belligerence, entitledness, feeling slighted, frustration, anger, laziness, yearning, wanting, and more.

How? Why?

Because the saying puts you in the present moment where nothing is ever wrong, where nothing is too much, where nothing is supposed to be different than the way it is, and it isn’t supposed to mean something, and it doesn’t.

To the degree I can bring this “It’s all i

Let’s distinguish some things that you didn’t know that you didn’t know

I have worked for myself for the past 40 years with a short, three-year stint working for the City of Jerusalem…

But even there, it was both clear and unclear to me that the number one skill to make a living is the ability to sell… in person, on the phone, on a video, or in writing.

In fact… it is not just a skill you need to make a living… it is a skill needed to make a life…

Because either you sell them… or they sell you….

I’d rather be the seller, thank you very much.

Now, why am I telling you this?

  • First, you may not know… and if you don’t know, you probably mis-diagnose why you don’t make a living or you don’t make a life, or both.
  • Seco

Coherence: what is it and why you should strive to have it?


I just moved my sites to a new, bigger server… made the jump after about eight months of waffling… I waffled because of the money, waffled because of the technical challenge, waffled because I didn’t want to do it…

But on New Year’s Eve I did it, and was bracing what was going to be a lot of work, but more importantly a rare occasion for me to face the tiger: I am not the smartest person on the planet.

Not even close.

I never was… by the way. But since i have repurposed my brain cells to do the inner work for seeing, I feel stupider, if that is even possible, than before.

Coherence is the

Everybody teaches you the shadow-work of Plato’s Cave not reality that casts the shadows.

Confession: You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me

One of your most defining characteristics as a person is, whether you are an optimist or a pessimist.

But the common, and ordinary way to look at those attitudes is inane… ((inane: stupid, moronic)) as in stupid and near-sighted.

Most words are defined with unreality as their focus… when you’ll start to see it, that is when your vocabulary start to hit the level where you can actually see some of reality, not just the “map” of reality.

In today’s parlan

How to make the world your oyster? updated

When the world is your oyster, you have a world that can create pearls for you, valuable pearls for you life… That is the meaning of the expression. You just have to create irritation in that world, a difficulty, like the grain of sand in the actual oyster and it starts building a pearl (value) for you.

As long as you shy away from controversy, difficulty, hardship, pain, etc… the world won’t offer you its pearls…

I have been listening to old, 5-6 year old recordings. For most teachers their talks would not be old… they have been, habitually, saying the same tired Tree of Knowledge stuff forever… but for me, they are fresh and surprising. Most of it I wish I remembered.

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Why your clarity-vocabulary number is so predictive of your success, happiness, and life enjoyment?

If what we need is a larger vocabulary so we don’t fall into the trap of the mind where everything is the same as everything else, that it makes a lot of sense to start, as soon as you can, building a larger vocabulary.

With every new word a large chunk of the invisible reveals itself… priceless.

Here is the first word:

Jaunty. 1. könnyed and 2. vidám in Hungarian, I have to admit that in the past 37 years since I left Hungary, I haven’t seen anyone Jaunty… Maybe I saw them obnoxiously loud and too much smiling… but jaunty?

Jaunty is having or expressing a lively, cheerful, and self-confident manner, cheerful, cheery, h

What does Tai Lopez mean by cabbage mind? does he know what he is talking about?

This is an important post… Either read it thoroughly, or just skip it… Please. OK?

Every Sunday morning, for the past 12 years, I have been having a 90 minute conversation with a guy who I met at Pam Ragland’s Quantum Thought Shifting course back in 2007.

I have been recording those calls… I call them Sunday Rants… because that is, pretty much, my only chance to rant and rave about things, people, frustrations, disappointments, and return to sanity, week after week.

How to set yourself up for winning in the 20-day skill-learning challenge?

OK, confession time: I have never inspired a challenge, and I am not exceptionally good at doing anything like this, but…

But with the limited knowledge and experience I have, let me share with you some of the ideas of winning, and some of the reasons for failing I know will come up:

1. it is your life. It is your 20 days. You start when you are ready to start. And don’t forget: you do it for yourself!

How do you know you are ready?

  • a. you have a clear “I am here” starting point… and a clear “I’ll be there in 20 days” ending point. This should be a written statement.

It is a good idea to know how you (or anyone) will know you have won… something visible, audible, experiencable, real result.

  • b. if you need “stuff” or information