It’s easier to edit crap than air…

"It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” – Henry David ThoreauEvery course, workshop, training, in whatever area of life, is largely ineffective.

Some courses are as low as 1-2%… meaning that 98-99% of the participant had an experience, but not the results promised.

I have been puzzling this out for the past eight years… until, this morning, I possibly got the answer why that is.

I was watching/listening to a sales pitch: from Marisa Murgatroyd and her new Experience Product Masterclass.

She promises an experience. She promises unheard amount of support. She claims that the effectiveness of her six-month long masterclass is 70%. She guarantees that you’ll make your tuition

If you want to change your results in life… or why watching TED talks won’t change your life

…or even reading. Or even having a mentor… or paying thousands of dollars for courses…


We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are

Which means you only hear/see/read from what you watch, hear or read what you already are.

If you want to change your results in life… you have to change yourself first

To change yourself, you need to change what you see…

This… the 30-day challenges, doing them back to back, may not change much of anything, unless you can change, under skilled guidance, what you see. But it is definitely an alternative…

Why you are excitement seeker… explained

My notes… if you are inclined to transcribe this episode, I am inclined to trade my products or services with you…

the two brains
curiosity is a right brain phenomena
learning is a left brain

curiosity, when properly awakened, is the spark or the initial much needed step to cause learning.

ignorance is caused by no curiosity.

curiosity is alchemy… needs an alchemist or a master chef..

Why is it that you cannot see the strategy, only the tactic… if even that? If so: What else can’t you see?

Life is a game… a game is something where it is defined what is better than something else.

In golf the ball in the cup is better than outside of it.

In business more profits is better than less.

In love, being loved is better than not to be loved.

Sun Tsu (The Art of War on Wikipedia, read The_Art_Of_War pdf) said:
“All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.”

So the fact that YOU cannot see the strategy is not an exception, it is mo

Tactic or strategy… growth or stagnation… even descent… choose!

My notes:
If you feel like you want to transcribe this audio and let me have it, please do so. I’ll appreciate it and you’ll learn ton from it.

The difference between strategy and tactic

strategy: long term, many steps, towards a distant goal. sustainable.
tactic is a step that without a strategy goes nowhere. not sustainable, not scalable.

if you don’t determine where you are and where you want to go, you will o

Do You Really Want To Be A Psychopath?

It seems that the notion of predatory genes has stirred up some turmoil… and questions.

  • Some were arguing that it doesn’t make sense that I carry no predatory genes: i seem to you aggressive.
  • Some were worried that their lack of success is from their lack of predatory genes.
  • Some were sure Jews had many predatory genes. Why else would they be so successful!

Assigning responsibility to genes is part of the fixing culture we live in, and is not your best friend. I am bringing up the Jews, just like before I brought up billionaires, because extremes are easier to study and see patterns with than the muddy average.

So study Jews for the secret sauce of achievement… and of cours

Why is your vibration so low… and what you can do change it?

This is a really long talk, and I probably should charge money for it… And maybe I will.

One of the justifications I have for giving it all away is that very few people are able to value what I say, for reason of everything I say comes from what is invisible to you… even though you COULD see it, but for that you have to interact with it long enough… which a low TLB person won’t.

The more you speak the lower your vibration…

TLB is really your pain tolerance… how much pain you are willing to experience for what you desire, for what you want.

You desire much, but your desire is to get it from an imaginary fairy godmother without earning it. Earning takes work, and work is painful. If it is not p