Compounding interest… the secret of exponential growth… Did you miss that in school?

There is a controversial saying by Charlie Munger, who said: to get what you want, you need to deserve what you want.

This is controversial, because the verb, deserve, is bastardized in our culture. What he should have said:

to have a chance to get what you want, you need to earn what you want. And then say: to earn what you want, you need to become the person who can ((developed mastery, methods, routine, who has the character and the attitude to be able to earn what they want. Your desire is sky high, your willingness to do anything for it (ambition) is low, and your spiritual/intangible capacities are few or none… persistence, foresight, independent thinking, etc.)) earn what they want.

And this last sentence is what this article is about: the kind of person who can earn what they want.

One common thread that I notice among my clients and students is that they let their life hang on one or maybe two activities, which is not to be the kind of person who can earn what they want.

Tai in his 67 steps uses Jennifer Lopez as an example. Jay lo sings, dances, keeps herself attractive, manages her public image, negotiates her fees, tours, auditions, and who knows how many other things she needs to do well to stay in the limelight.

Contrast this with the artist who makes art, tries to learn how to market, but ultimately ends up cleaning her house top to bottom, because she knows how to do that.

Or the photographer who takes pictures, but doesn’t know how to sell her services well, so she returns to substitutive solution ((Freud from Civilization and its discontent: The life imposed on us is too hard for us to bear: it brings too much pain, too many disappointments, too many insoluble problems. If we are to endure it, we cannot do without palliative measures. (As Theodor Fontane told us, it is impossible without additional help.) Of such measures there are perhaps three kinds: powerful distractions, which cause us to make light of our misery, substitutive satisfactions, which diminish it, and intoxicants, which anaesthetize us to it.

Something of this sort is indispensable. Voltaire has distractions in mind when he ends his Candide with the advice that one should cultivate one’s garden; another such distraction is scholarly activity. Substitutive satisfactions, such as art affords, are illusions that contrast with reality, but they are not, for this reason, any less effective psychically, thanks to the role that the imagination has assumed in mental life. Intoxicants affect our physical constitution and alter its chemistry. It is not easy to define the position that religion occupies in this series. We shall have to approach the matter from a greater distance.))

The best known example we have is Benjamin Franklin, because he shared his method through his writings.

What he did is duplicatable, repeatable, the surefire way to earn what you want, even if you don’t know what you want… yet.

I didn’t know what I wanted: every and any worldly ambition left me with a feeling that I would want that as a substitute.

I first had an inkling of what I wanted when I first connected to Source, consciously, and I had a clear sense of being at home. Every other place was a place to park myself, not home. So I decided that I wanted a life where I am at home.

Did all the preparation make sense to me then? Did I think I had earned what I wanted? No. I knew that I must have earned that moment, I must have earned that insight, but not living there.

What was missing to master? Myself, my attention, my awareness, my body, my knowledge, my marketability, my ability to market, to sell while not selling, writing, and writing… and maybe even writing.

I have, thus far, earned to live at home, and live on a meager income.

I have made serious strides in the area of health, mobility, my awareness, clarity, and maybe in my writing.

But I have not made a lot of strides in generating enough income to be able to travel, to be able to have my house cleaned, to regularly visit a dentist.

So this “compounding interest” in the area of business is my next step with hopes to be able to hire a cleaning lady, go to the dentist, and maybe travel.

So what is compounding interest outside of the world of finance?

Let’s look at weight loss as a great example:

If you set out to drop 50 pounds by your class reunion… you’ll rush into doing it… and you’ll put the whole weight back and more. So that is not compounding interest. You can see the same thing in get rich quick schemes… Go for the stars, get the moon (maybe) and promptly lose it again.

The approach, the compounding interest method is different. I have used it and have dropped 50 lbs in about two years, maybe a little more.

  • I changed my eating… gradually.
  • I changed what I eat, how I eat, when I eat.
  • I started to do some movement, not much, but regularly.
  • I have experimented with supplements, and found single component supplements that reduced inflammation, and also helped me sleep better and regularly.
  • I also changed my sleep schedule to go to bed early and get up early.
  • I have been taping my mouth.
  • I weigh myself just after going to the bathroom first thing in the morning so I can catch any slip-up.
  • I changed how I shop: twice a month… because being in a store is a big temptation I don’t need.

As you see, many things, many elements, done consistently, lead to result. Also no hanging skin, the sign of a crash diet. None. My body looks like it looked 33 years ago, when I came to the US… of course my face and hair show my age…

I could not foresee all the components that produce the extraordinary results. They revealed themselves as I was enjoying the compound earnings of my actions.

Surprisingly, it is the same with the Big Bundle (aka my Secret Weapon).

There is a blessing in every bad thing that happens to you, unless it kills you, of course.

I started to use the Big Bundle (the bundle of BIG energies lol) that seeks out stuff that can kill you in your body. It is all physical… Of course, if you direct the energy according to YOUR imminent wisdom, aka the limited perspective of the human mind, then the Big Bundle will not do all the housekeeping it can do. ((If you want to buy the Big Bundle…))

I refrained from telling the energy where to go and what to do. And thus far it has found six blockages and worked on them. One of them is blockage in an artery going to the heart… I had no idea it was blocked… but had symptoms, numbing in my left hand and left foot, but I still didn’t suspect.

So it hammered away at that this morning.

The whole “treatment” takes about two minutes… I don’t have patience for more… I can’t even tolerate baths, or massage, or cuddling. I like to be in movement. Mercury…


So the plan for me to use this compounding interest method is to work on seven aspects of business, in rotation, but never drop the ball. And that is the crucial issue: never drop the ball. I first heard this expression on a youtube video… this is one of the most unreasonable demands… about the same level as Joel Salatin’s one rule: Never make a mistake.

But you know, unless you lock yourself in, you will drop the ball! So lock yourself in, and start earning what you want.

Benjamin Franklin did that with his writing, did that with countless other skills, and most famously with his 13 virtues. Tracked, documented, never dropping the ball.

He went from penniless youth with no support to wealthy, trusted, revered even, a statesmen, a diplomat, and a famous inventor.

  • Was he smarter than others? Source says no.
  • Was his vibration higher than others’? No, says Source.

He simply followed a simple integrative principle for his life, the principle of the compounding interest. ((Compound interest is the addition of interest to the principal sum of a loan or deposit, or in other words, interest on interest. It is the result of reinvesting interest, rather than paying it out, so that interest in the next period is then earned on the principal sum plus previously accumulated interest. If the “interest” aka the rate of growth in a cycle is 10%, you need seven cycles to double your principal sum… in my case, my business.

The resulting growth is, instead of linear, is exponential. look at the green graph on the graphic on top of this article))

Read the original article: Compounding interest… the secret of exponential growth… Did you miss that in school?

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