The rudiments of integrity… without mastering kindergarten and elementary school, you can’t go to high school or college

One of my struggling students sent this to me so that I can share it with you.

I take this concept way beyond this level in my programs… but I can’t build on air…

So if you want to do my courses, and succeed with them, do this first. It’s half hour instruction and weeks of practice… like everything worth having, it takes practice, it is a process, and you cannot jump.

I did everything he suggests about 30 years ago… when I first did the Communication Course…

I paid $530. This is about 30% of that course, and you can get it for free.

I listened to it… and it is valuable. I don’t teach as well as this guy… so I don’t mind that you’ll learn this from him.

Watch the videos. You’ll

What is the difference between “I am” and “I have been”? They both create yourself… but which is the right you?

As I am continuing giving long and substantial “strategy sessions” to people, I am learning a lot.

I am seeing stuff that cannot be see through feeling. I am seeing stuff that won’t come through in the Starting Point Measurements, no matter how good a tool muscle testing is. Some things won’t even become clear in a short call…

I love the expression: “in the limited perspective of the human mind” and now I am inclined to add that even inside the human mind, you can look at things through different perception organs… and you’ll see more if you use more than just your favorite.

Most people’s “perception organ” is to turn to, habitually, to what they have already decided. The mind.

This gives you the le

Manifestation… what is it really? What can you manifest? Money? Love?

I got an email from a student of mine this morning.

He was sick, lying in bed all day, listening to the Money Workshop he could not come to.

I think he got the workshop better than the people who were participating in it.

He got that the secret to create your life is in being able to say, like the seasoned umpire: “It ain’t nothing till I call it”

The participants were too busy looking at their life… that looking rendered them, at best, a journeyman umpire, who says: I call it the way I see it. But if you scratch the surface, if you watch them act or not act, they honor the situation as something real, something solid, something physical: so they are really a rookie umpire: “I call it the way it IS”


The most important questions you should ask yourself before you buy something… anything

The most important questions you should ask yourself before you buy something… anything

…ask them, answer them, and then know that you’ll forget what you said…

Am I driving you mad? lol

OK, here are the questions:

    • 1. Can I get enough value out of this product… comparable or larger than what the money I pay for it is worth to me… right now? ((Yesterday I attended a webinar that sold something that I could answer yes to all these questions, except… the money I’d have paid for it would be missing from my rent money. Ever since I have been under psychic attack, I haven’t felt like working… and now I am short on

What is the secret that allows the butterfly to be beautiful and airborne despite of its origin, the caterpillar?

Locked into the cocoon, the caterpillar could not add or change anything about the physical aspects of its body… so it must have been how those physical aspects are organized… something beyond the visible… something you could call “spiritual”.

I can teach you to speak butterfly, so you can fly like a butterfly.

The secret between being a caterpillar and a butterfly is in the speaking.

The saying so many people are coming to my site for is: you cannot talk butterfly language to caterpillars.

Now, the truth is: you cannot. The caterpillars out there won’t hear it. Won’t respond to it.

But you can talk butterfly language to yourself… and whenever you do, you do become a butterfly. ((M

The attitude of choosing yourself… but which self?

Everybody has two selves. You, me, sages, everyone.

So when you say “I choose myself” which self do you choose?

There is an Amazon bestseller with the title “Choose yourself”.

I have read it.

For me choosing myself is incredibly empowering, especially because it is not “normal” for me, so when I say “choose yourself” I suddenly shift my priorities, and I become important to me. Still new, still amazing.

Being on my side… loving to myself… in every aspect, physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual.


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Butterfly vs caterpillar, human being, vs human aka homo sapiens

In the history of the Earth there have been five other attempts for Life to create intelligent life. Millions of years separating them… Atlantis may not be a myth, just didn’t happen in our time. Civilizations don’t overlap. ((In my muscletesting the video below is 90% truth value, and there was a big flood… Call me a kook… but whether this is true or not, there is a lesson to learn…))

Three of those civilizations were destroyed by natural causes, and two of those by the civilization itself… parallel with the current humanity and its civilization a civilization of caterpillars. ((By the way, muscle test says that those intelligent beings didn’t look like humans))

Our civi

Is your life, the way you make your money, your living arrangement a good match for you?

As I am working on BecomeAnIdeaMachine, this is my second day of this spiritual practice, I notice that I am already looking wider than yesterday.

I am not feeling well, the psychic attack is strong, so I am a tad more intolerant than my usual self.

Intolerance normally manifest in me in distaste…

I thought I’ll check out Bosch, the televised version of my favorite detective… I closed it after two minutes.

But I had an insight that can be really significant for all of us, so let me

You don’t like me? The issue with wanting only positive guidance

I am reading many books, many articles. They all say that my life could be better, would be better if I just looked at the bright side of things. But that… looking at only the bright side of things, actually leads to a boring, inauthentic life. What makes good good is the contrast… No bad? Not looking at it? there suddenly isn’t good either… only boring, dull, dead. And you can’t sleep… ((Just listen to 99.99% of the gurus. Their soothing breezy/breathy speaking gives them away. They may have even studied NLP or hypnotic suggestions… And you eat it up… soooo sooothing… must be true! lol))

Moreover, if the purpose of life is to become all you can be, to see all you can see,