How free are you?

When you reach a certain level of freedom inside your machine, you have the presence of mind to pay attention to a lot more than now.

And I am in a growth spurt… a lot more of MY machine, and THE machine got distinguished in the last few days, due to workshops and private conversations. I went from 50% free to 70% free in these few days.

So yesterday I saw something I have never been able to see… not that I wanted to… it was something I didn’t know that I didn’t know.

Before the exercise class I told one of the women that we missed her last Tuesday. She said she had something really important to do. “What?” I asked. She said: “her missionary work.” she said reticently. Hm…

There are a few health related findings that I have been holding really close to my vest.

[caption id="attachment_41986" align="alignleft" width="300"] The reality of weight loss for most people. This is what I escaped with what I am sharing in this article[/caption]

Here are a few health related findings that I have been holding really close to my vest.

Why? Because I am a little scared to make them public.

Some have to do with my “suddenly” flat belly at age 70. Flawless, not wrinkled, flat. WTF, eh? Especially given that I dropped 44 lbs in the past two years.

And I don’t go to the gym. And all that…

That was actually my goal…

I have seen people who dropped a lot of weight, and their skin remained the same size… Not pretty, so I didn’t w

What will you think next, Sophie? You want to Bribe me?

What will you think next, Sophie? Bribe me?


Here is the bribe you are complaining about:

if you friend me on Facebook, I’ll give you a bribe…Something you normally have to pay for…

What bribe is worth friending me for? You tell me! What would be valuable enough for you? Comment or email…

Now, let me tell you why I’d like you to friend me:

I want to expand my circle of influence. I’d like to be able to offer my teaching to more people. And Facebook, even though I hate it, seems like a good place. Maybe… needs to be tested.

So when you become friends with me, your friends will read about it…
When you become friends with me, you may have to see my posts…

So if you don’t like me, if you violently disagree with my teachings, don’t friend me. Not for anything. It’s an integrity issue… so please don’t do it.

But if you think that maybe I am onto s

What I learned about myself in the Money Attitude Workshop or how come you are always the sucker in the room?

beware! he will make you a suckerIt’s time for a change… for me… and for you… All the pictures show the suckers’ game… not what I teach. What I teach doesn’t have pictures on the web… because it is new, and because it’s not a suckers’ game.

It’s time to become the master, not the slave, it is time to stop being the sucker in the room… ((This expression “the sucker in the room” is form the 67 steps program… here is what the summary has to say about that step:

Are The Voices subliminal? Talking to your other than conscious brain?

Remember that episode in the Columbo series where he is in the movie theater and suddenly everyone wants to get a coke… and that is what helps him catch the killer?

That was the time when scientists discovered that the brain can see stuff that you cannot consciously see and act on it. Subliminal, I think, they called it.

The Voices, The Dark Side mostly uses subliminal techniques on you. More of that a little later, but first let me share with you a principle of mine:

If there is a memorable idea, a memorable teaching in a book, a movie, a conversatio

Caterpillars don’t become butterflies

I clicked the publish button by mistake… Which means I’ll add my notes to this article as soon as I can and republish it.

But my notes are going to be very disappointing for many… because this article and what is says is 60% truth value… and applies directly to humans, not only to butterflies and caterpillars.

It, in essence, says that in order to go on a higher plane of existence (butterfly) you need to die your current one first.

And this is what it’s all about… How to die your current existence, and take NOTHING from it to the higher plane.

In my upcoming Money course… no name yet, but I am

Caterpillars Don’t Become Butterflies!

The invisible components of success: two case studies. A must read…

You cannot talk butterfly language… unless… Also: Lies by omission, lies by commission… are you a liar?

Last night I was reminded how my nights used to be before I discovered Source energies. Hellish…

I am reading a book from someone, I still haven’t decided if I want to name that someone… or not.

Why? Because I am irate… so angry and envious… I am afraid to let it all out…

But I have to start releasing this tension somehow. ((I continued this conversation with my Sunday morning buddy… if you want to hear the conversation, and how he transformed as a result of our calls, here is a link to buy the call

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Respect the machine…

respect the machineRespect the machine… [note]What does it mean “respect the machine”?

A 67 step coaching student asks:

A question. The machine wants instant gratification or think that it’s being used by others and why should I give them everything. What I am pondering about is how I should give the machine what it wants while I do things differently. Like giving my best.

And it’s very tricky to see things with the voice that tells me that no, it’s not your fault, you are not like that, blaming on other stuff instead.

It’s funny I’ve been hearing a lot of voices lately and recognizing them as voices and I could start hearing a voices saying in Swedish something like; “What are you going to do. Stop livin

People will always judge you and what you are doing. It’s part of the machine.

People will always judge you and what you are doing. It’s part of their machine.

There is nothing you can do about that. Judging is the only way humans have access to “what’s happening”. It is the right circle (the meaning and story circle)… and it is NEVER empty… You can call it meaning, you can call it story, you can call it judgment, you can call it commentary, you can call it whatever you want to: it never goes away.

Mother Teresa may be right… but doing it anyway, giving your best anyway, may be a really uphill struggle, unless… unless you set the context. She did… masterfully, and she made people “ Posted on in Evolution Modalities | Leave a comment

Bad News! Everything you ever wanted comes to you through people

Everything you ever wanted comes to you through people

OK… maybe on a desert island this is not true… unless we consider that you for yourself is also a “people”… and unless you give it to you you won’t have it.

And we are talking about both tangible and intangible wants.

Yesterday I was pondering if I give myself respect… what the heck is respect anyway? lol

But in all seriousness, if you don’t learn the art and science of how to get what you want through another, then you are going to experience a lot of lack. Oh, you already are? Then maybe I am talking to the right person!

OK… before I go on and give you the art and science… I’ll tell you why I am giving it away for free.

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