Rewiring the brain: The chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.

mortal-immortalMost of you live life as if you lived forever. You are patient when it comes to doing what you set out to do, have long term goals and aspirations for your life, that you do nothing about. You are patient.

But when you start doing something, you want instant result. You want it yesterday. Impatient.

This patient impatience renders you an unhappy loser, an underachiever, a never do well… Guaranteed.

You expect doing the same things the same way to produce different results but it won’t. Something, some aspect needs to change, for the result to become different.

You can do more, better, different, or you can do things differently, with a different attitude, a different mindset, as if you were a different person… and in fact, you’ll need to be.

The hardest thing to change is your beingness… mainly because it is like water for the fish: invisible to you. And NOT PRETTY, so you don’t want to look at it.

One of my students, after a long time of no results, has started to produce results, because in a one-on-one session I held up a mirror to her and she finally saw who she was being.

This is happening with increasing frequency, so maybe I have hope to finally make the difference I have always intended to make.


The video at the end of the post

The speaker in the video is Brendon Burchard, celebrated high performance coach and author.

His video is a pre-sale video for his High Performance Academy. You don’t need it, unless you are already a high performer… Not my impression of you.

And I don’t like high performance… too intense for my taste.

But the video is pretty darn good, 30% truth value. Even with it being “just” 30%, it is worth experimenting with it, until you hit the sweet spot, that puts you on the map.

I do most things he suggests… except stretching… maybe I should.

What he doesn’t consider is your level of nutrition, your level of eating toxic (for you) foods, and your level of hydration. His hydration is 20%, and his overall health is 30%.

My biggest issue with stuff you can find on the internet is that they only tell a partial story… And a half truth is as bad or worse than a lie.

I am still doing research to increase your results from my health consultations… but if you actually did what I ask you to do, you’d be at least at 40/40 or 50/50.

Your biggest stumbling block is thinking that you are intelligent. And that makes you make up your own s-h-i-t, without a thorough understanding of how things work (physics, physiology, psychology).

I have found health products that are half-truth manipulatively presented supplements… that you would not be able to tell that they are so… I am working on getting you the whole truth and substitutes that come without the hype…

OK, here is the video on getting more life more energy in your life. Let me know if you are doing any of the five principles he recommends.

Read the original article: Rewiring the brain: The chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.

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