A World Asleep And A World Awakened… Can you help?

 Dear Reader, I need your help.

I am finding that the Spirit is shackled in my students, it has even stopped dreaming about soaring.

Much like as if you had an eagle, and it would choose to stay grounded, no roof, no cage, just enough food for the eagle to not go hungry, and it would say:

“I have enough. Soaring is not my job, it’s a lot of work, let someone else do it.

“Maybe the government. Maybe the doctors. Maybe the demonstrators, charity organizations… but I am OK with where I am, I have food, I have a home, I have everything I need.

“So what, that I was borne to fly? That doesn’t mean I must. Freedom? Highly over rated, if you ask me. It doesn’t call to me at all. Because freedom would mean I have to get my own. I’d rather stay and be given what I need.

“I could see far and wide? Naaah, who needs that. I can watch television. I don’t need to see it from there. There are enough adventurous people that do the flying for me: I’ll just watch the video they made. Maybe on youtube, it’s good enough for me!

“You want to wake me up? You want me to find the inspiration within? OK, I am game, I’ll dream for you!

“Here, how about frozen fish from now on, not canned. That would be much tastier… That’s been a dream of mine for quite some time. Not like I have to have it, but it would be nice!”

The eagle, of course, was just an analogy, eagles don’t talk. Eagles fly. Eagles soar. Eagles are in love with soaring.

My main concern is humans.

Human Being was created to be a Creator. To co-create with its own Creator. To approach and maybe even pass its creator in his speed of thinking.

Human Being creates with his thought. Everything that you can see around you is first was a thought. Then someone went and made it. Alive or not alive, it was a thought.

A house, a fence, a car, a bomb.

Some were co-created with the Creator and say yes to Life. Most, nowadays, are created without the involvement of the Creator, and they are a no to Life, and a yes to comfort, mediocrity, or destruction.

And although, when you look inside, your attitude to the Creator is no longer co-creation, rather begging, your design hasn’t changed in all these billions of years: and you still have it in you.

Mind you, the speed of your thought has slowed down to a crawl… but it can be quickened, it can be brought up to speed…

What is most missing is desire. The eagle in the story above, can still fly. It just won’t.

And my students, well, they won’t either.

I have a homework for you to find a few inspiring verses, quotes, that would start awakening the Spirit within.

This is what I need your help with: would you do us a favor, and find quotes for us.

You can comment anonymously, if you are shy. Just say anonymous instead of your name.

Your email address: only I can see, and I promise I won’t tell anyone. And I keep my promises! Always.

I’ll put my quote as the first comment, just scroll down to see.

You are free to quote anything inspiring, I can’t wait to read.

You will, right? It may mean the difference between a world going into its ruin asleep, or a world awakened and taking control of its future.

Read the original article: A World Asleep And A World Awakened… Can you help?

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