Soul Correction: Order from Chaos… my father’s

I had never had a piece of toast
Particularly long and wide
But fell upon the sanded floor
And always on the buttered side.
-James Pare

Anything that can go wrong, will.
-Finagle’s Law of Dynamic Negatives

If there are two or more ways to do something, and one of those ways can result in a catastrophe, then someone will do it.
-Edward A. Murphy. Jr. (Murphy’s Law)

The chance of the bread falling with the buttered side down is directly proportional to the cost of the carpet
-Jennings’ Corollary to Murphy’s Law of Selective Gravity

The other line always moves faster.
-Etorre’s Observation

There’s never time to do it right, but always time to do it over.
-Meskimen’ s Law

When your aspects, soul, ego, conscious mind, history, cells, body and Source are all going in a different direction, when there is a misalignment of purpose, then we experience chaos in our lives, on the micro and on the macro level, personally and as humanity.

order from chaos Things can go dreadfully wrong in the world-and in our lives-when these seven dimensions are out of alignment!

What is there to do?

Harmony always underlies chaos.

With this correction, balance and serenity are restored among the seven dimensions. Order emerges from chaos. Not only will your toast not fall on the buttered side, it won’t fall at all!

So how do you do it? the gist of it is very simple: you need to look at the largest context, the sky instead of the clouds. The chaos is all in the clouds’ level, no chaos on the sky level. If you can shift your attention to the sky regularly, the chaos disappears and order takes place. Simple but probably not easy for you.

The hardest thing, it seems, to know that you can watch and have fun.

Yesterday I took a brief break from work and lied down. I had all these thoughts rushing: all the thoughts that I wasn’t having while working. They were fun. They were speculating about different directions to take. I wanted to jump in and get wet. Then I thought better. When you jump into the ocean, all you can see is the waves, and you can drown. So instead I stayed on the shore and watched (and listened) as the thoughts were frolicking, and having fun, arriving at nothing, solving nothing, and then disappearing an their own accord.

I didn’t resist them, I didn’t control them. They fizzled out.

Try it. You’ll be surprised how much fun the thoughts can be when you are not involved!

order from chaos You need to resolve to be the watcher, to be the observer, and to identify yourself only with that aspect of you: the watcher. The watcher has a distance from each other aspects, and is never involved. Involvement is what creates the chaos. Involvement is what robs you of your power.

There is no survival issue, no right or wrong in the attitude of the Watcher: it’s all good.

That attitude is your ticket to order from chaos.

Update May 19, 2012: I have gotten, recently, a very important piece of this particular puzzle: it seems that the Order from Chaos people are trapped in a particular world view. Their own view of the world seems to be the right world view and even when I ask them to look at what they are doing from the “opponent’s” view, they see that the opponent is wrong.

The opponent is always right, from their point of view, of course. Your job is to be able to get into their shoes, as if you had the same personal and cultural history, education, upbringing, gender, and then see if what you said or did was offensive to them.

The solution is NOT to suppress yourself. You don’t need to change. You only need to create bridges, where both parties can be right.

What is missing, as a result of your self-righteousness, is a context that is nurturing to THEM!

And the context will have to validate their point of view. Your mother is a catholic? Validate her world view. It is valid for her! Your customers are feminist? Validate their world view! It is valid from where they are looking at it!

How do you do that without giving up your world view? One way is to create the context: what I am doing is for me, for myself, for what I need! Not to help you, not to make you wrong.

Example is the feminist customer: you like to open doors? Tell the customer to be gracious and allow you to do what you love to do. Then it won’t offend them, they are instead the generous one, not the offended.

I could give you more examples, but as you see, humility is the antidote for self-righteousness. And there is nothing fake about it: you do have a need according to your world view!

There is no right world view, by the way. There are accurate world views and inaccurate ones, but no right world view. Which means yours is not better than theirs.

Stop trying to prove yourself right. There is no need to be right. Proving yourself right proves them wrong: you will have a lot of hate in your life. I can guarantee it.

Your chaos is self-created. Your ‘order from chaos’ move is entirely an inner job.

For other soul corrections, visit this page.

Read the original article: Soul Correction: Order from Chaos… my father’s

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