Breath is access to Soul, to all-of-it, your higher self. Finding the blockages in breath and eliminating them

deep unconscious breathNearly all of humanity is infected with the mind virus. Slowly we constitute our whole self and our whole world as our minds, unawares that we are several magnitudes more powerful than the mind… and by mind I mean the storage device of the brain, not the whole brain.

When I ask people on the calls to watch their breathing, or look for blockages, without exception they hold their breath: the mind tells them to do so. Why would the mind do that? Like all virus it is only interested in perpetuating itself, and when you are asked to watch or observe, accidentally! you might access your witness, your Observer, and then you will see the mind for what it is: a pea size hard drive able to do search and compare, and that’s it.

That is the part, that pea size hard drive that you have been asking to run your life effectively.

How about all the books (thousands? hundreds of thousands?) that teach you to use your mind, focus your mind, use the power of your mind and other happy horseshit?

They are lying. They are, knowingly or innocently (aka stupidly) participating in the conspiracy to reduce humanity to a virus propagating biomass.

Your mind can’t do anything like that.

It also doesn’t matter what your thoughts are: they actually don’t effect your actions, or reality much. If you have ever experimented with “changing your mind” you saw that the effect, if any, is accidental.

What you “know” i.e. what’s stored in your mind doesn’t effect your actions or reality either. We all know how to be fit and how to lose weight, and yet we don’t do what we “know” we should do, so here again: the “science of the mind” is happy horseshit, duping you into living in your mind and ignoring everything else.

So, how do you get out of the mind and return the process, and start turning back into a human… No, a princess won’t come to kiss you to turn you back from frog to prince.

No, it wasn’t a curse that turned you into frog either… It was a veritable virus… mind-virus.

Most of you have too far gone, because this virus has to hit your retina again and again to counter the huge powers that lie within you, unused, un-mined, neglected and forgotten.

If you asked your mind, which you have already done, by the way! it will tell you that the way to go is to use it more, and use it to elevate you to the rarified vibration of god within… it “knows” that you are a god… so be it, it says.

That is the surest way to become a delusional person… so don’t listen to the mind.

Breath Energy in the BodyBefore you can become a human being, you need to connect to your body first. Without language, without naming, without labeling, just feeling, observing, and avoiding any naming. No name to the location, no name to the feeling, no names.

I know it’s hard, but you need to return yourself to a time before language, before mind-virus, before this insanity of “eating the menu, not the meal” culture.

The first assignment is to look for blockages in your breathing. Your breath is blocked, in many different ways, and your job is to find a blockage: a sensation that the breath is resisted, maybe even stopped. Or there is a pain, dull, sharp, but pain nevertheless when you attempt to breath through.

breathKeep at it, because this is not about “I did it!”, this is a spiritual practice: practicing being able to be with something, just feeling it, not wanting to change it, just observing it, without labeling where it is, how it is, what it is.

Next step, if you have the Heaven on Earth remedy, or the Effortless Abundance (now re-christened “Wake up productive” by the way) remedy [note]It doesn’t matter whether you or I infused the water, they both work[/note] :

Drink a gulp of the water “laced” with the remedy. This is a “downloading the 40 energies” move. Observe if it finds the blockage. You’ll be surprised to notice, that the blockage is an effect, not a cause… the real blockage is somewhere else.

For example, last night I had a blockage in my breath. I downloaded the Heaven on Earth. Although I felt the blockage in the front, the energy found it in the back.

How do I know? I felt the energy stopping in the back, just above the bra-strap… When I tested my breath next, the blockage was gone.

You won’t feel much in the beginning, but you’ll get better with every practice.

You need to get really good with this before you can move on the the next step.

Let me know how you are doing, OK? No email, comments. It’s ok to comment anonymously. Emails will be ignored.

Read the original article: Breath is access to Soul, to all-of-it, your higher self. Finding the blockages in breath and eliminating them

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